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The Chronicles of Balgast

PostPosted: Saturday October 27th, 2018 1:51am
by Anderas
Sadly my italian is not perfect.

The chronicles of Balgast part two are available now for download. Google could help, if only the text was shared directly. :)
I just love their new AI translator that was introduced 2016. ... D00eF6CZJ8

Re: The Chronicles of Balgast

PostPosted: Saturday October 27th, 2018 5:04am
by lestodante

Re: The Chronicles of Balgast

PostPosted: Saturday October 27th, 2018 4:55pm
by benvoliothefirst
"Chronicles of ball-gag"?!

Re: The Chronicles of Balgast

PostPosted: Sunday October 28th, 2018 3:47am
by Anderas
benvoliothefirst wrote:"Chronicles of ball-gag"?!

That's your private life. You and the Fireballs.

Re: The Chronicles of Balgast

PostPosted: Saturday January 25th, 2020 7:17pm
by Hexus
Anyone still have a solid link to the English version of this please?

Re: The Chronicles of Balgast

PostPosted: Tuesday March 5th, 2024 9:57pm
by MightySlayer720
Just checking to see if I can verify I have this. I have Balgast Chronicles - The Orc's Hideout and Balgast Chronicles Quest I. I'm just double checking if these both represent parts 1 and 2 or they were both quests are both part of part 1.

Re: The Chronicles of Balgast

PostPosted: Saturday March 9th, 2024 5:06pm
by MoreWoodenDice
Hexus wrote:Anyone still have a solid link to the English version of this please?

I have the files, uploading them now but having internet issues for a week. Files are 140MB all together. I am posting this at the time of only having one of the three files up. I'm able to continue where I left off when the connection goes out and back on so by the end of the day this is posted they should all be in the folder.

MightySlayer720 wrote:Just checking to see if I can verify I have this. I have Balgast Chronicles - The Orc's Hideout and Balgast Chronicles Quest I. I'm just double checking if these both represent parts 1 and 2 or they were both quests are both part of part 1.

Yes those are 1 and 2. Orc's Hideout being the followup. There is also a box that was made for it.