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[Archived Quests]

PostPosted: Monday January 12th, 2015 11:20pm
by StratosVX
I have been converting the older archived quests into quest books. drathe plans on uploading these to the Inn, but in the meantime, I have had several people contact me so I'm uploading them to my Google Drive for anyone who wants them. I have used artwork I have found on this site as well as images from HQ that I have altered myself. Those people have been credited, but if I have forgotten anybody, please let me know and I will update the file. Also, I have talked to a couple of members that have asked for the cards in a jpg format so they can have them printed. Below is a link to all the cards I have used in making these quests as well as cards I made for the official quests using drathe's card templates I have found on this site. That folder will also be updated with new cards as I complete new quests. Right now it has cards from all of the quests I've completed, even the ones where I'm still working on getting the pdf files completed. If anybody finds any mistakes in the quests or cards, let me know and I will fix them.



Re: [Archived Quests]

PostPosted: Tuesday January 13th, 2015 11:20am
by ruiza97

Re: [Archived Quests]

PostPosted: Tuesday January 13th, 2015 8:55pm
by StratosVX
Updated the Quest folder with more quests.

Re: [Archived Quests]

PostPosted: Wednesday January 14th, 2015 4:25am
by MichaelKruse
Great; more quests I'll never have the time to play through ;)

Thanks - they will get a good reading through at some point...

Re: [Archived Quests]

PostPosted: Wednesday January 14th, 2015 4:57am
by StratosVX
MichaelKruse wrote:Great; more quests I'll never have the time to play through ;)

Thanks - they will get a good reading through at some point...

No problem. There should be a couple more within a day or two also. :D

Re: [Archived Quests]

PostPosted: Thursday January 15th, 2015 1:29pm
by addemose
Allright, just did a fast check and compared your adaptions to the originals and here is what I found. Some of the things might not even be an error but I wrote up everything anyway, just to be sure :)

Baltar's Staff
Board 2 - Room J - On the original questmap these is a Chaos Mage in here.

Board 5 - Room B and D - On the original questmap these is a Chaos Mage in here.

Board 6 - Room E - On the original questmap these is a Chaos Mage in here.

Minor errors that may not need to be fixed:
Board 3 - Rolling Rock - The questbook from Kellars Keep shows a explosion symbol on the map where the boulder crashes

Board 8 - Room D - On other maps you have used the lever-tile instead of using a X to show where the lever is.

On some Boards with trapped chests you have used the tile for chests with no trap. No biggie but on other quests you have correctly used the trap chest tile

Baltor's Librar

Cellars of Blood

Clash of Champions

Day of the Dead

Everyone's a Suspect

Minor errors that may not need to be fixed:
On Phoenix Adaption there is 2 pit traps in one of the corridors, dont know how the original looked like though.

Goklash the Goblin King

Heroes' Fortress
Quest 9 - Room C - There are no Chaos Warrior present in this room, it sais so in the notes for this room.

Quest 10 - There are 2 Empty rooms on your map wich are filles with monsters in the original questmap.

Minor errors that may not need to be fixed:
Quest 3 - 4x4 Room with orcs - If I should be extremly picky, an orc is placed wrong here :)

Lord Narran's Battles
Not Checked!


Ruined City

The Black Hammer of Titch

The Chaos Wars II

The Chaos Wars

The Quest for the Lichemaster
Quest 8 - Big Cave Room - Missing one Skeleton from the original questmap
Minor errors that may not need to be fixed:
Quest 4 - Room G - The notes sais "The "X" in this room... but the room contains no "X"

The Quest for the Sword

Minor errors that may not need to be fixed:
Quest 3 - Rolling Rock - The questbook from Kellars Keep shows a explosion symbol on the map where the boulder crashes

The Tower of the Storm Master

Tristain's Return

Other stuff:
I have noticed you never use "untraceabla traps" or the "wandering monster" trap tiles. the teal-colored traps you know. I guess thats a known choice.

In Heroes' Fortress Quest 9 Room C and Quest 10 Room C, that room overlay, I cant find it in my HeroScribe. What is is called?

Re: [Archived Quests]

PostPosted: Thursday January 15th, 2015 4:11pm
by StratosVX
Holy crap! That's a lot I messed up on. Thanks for checking them. I'll get the corrections made and post when the new files are uploaded.

addemose wrote:Other stuff:I have noticed you never use "untraceabla traps" or the "wandering monster" trap tiles. the teal-colored traps you know. I guess thats a known choice.

Kind of a choice. I use an older map file for the HQ board that shades the dark areas gray instead of brown. Unfortunately, I cannot use any icons that use the color scheme of the untraceable trap or the .eps file that I export is corrupted. I've thought about abandoning the map file, but I really prefer the gray over the brown.

addemose wrote:In Heroes' Fortress Quest 9 Room C and Quest 10 Room C, that room overlay, I cant find it in my HeroScribe. What is is called?

Those are not in HeroScribe. Those are .eps files I created that I overlaid on the map while I was putting the quests together. I have a couple of icons I will be submitting to DerfelLink to add to the next version of HeroScribe and I might add those to it. Not real sure though because I don't really like the look of them for official icons.

Re: [Archived Quests]

PostPosted: Thursday January 15th, 2015 7:04pm
by StratosVX
Quests have been fixed and replaced. Thanks addemose!

Re: [Archived Quests]

PostPosted: Thursday January 15th, 2015 11:25pm
by addemose
Its so easy to make misstakes, reading from those old .txt and .bmp files are terrible! :P

I'll go though them more thoroughly when I get the time, In a few days.

Anyway, great job!

Re: [Archived Quests]

PostPosted: Friday January 30th, 2015 2:34am
by PersianImm0rtal
WOW!!! That Baltar's Staff quest looks amazing!! I can't wait to try that out, is there any others that are multiple boards like this?