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Need More Equipment Cards
Wednesday January 15th, 2020 10:31pm
by Drew
So my group just finished the Game System and with the original prices they were able to aford much equipment and now they are saying that they dont have what to do with their gold.
They are asking for more equipment. While I looked in here I found all kinds of cool cards. Extra spells, artifacts, treasure, potions, but no extra Equipment. The only one I found was Sjeng's but thats kinda "reworked" equipment with new prices, which are more balanced. But that is inconvinient for me cause they already bought items in the original prices, so what use would it have if I introduced these new ones?
So what Im looking for is extra equipment cards, or any other solution really. Im sure more people must have that problem otherwise Im doing something wrong.
Its my first time a Morcar so Id really appreciate some help. by the way Im an EU player so no US extra equipment will help.
Re: Need More Equipment Cards
Wednesday January 15th, 2020 11:41pm
by DullandRusty
If you look in my modern or classic still homebrew cards, the armory deck is the equipment deck. They are a variation of the us style, but they can give you some ideas. The modern style has more cards to pull ideas from. They might be of some help for thinking of ideas to make your own.
Re: Need More Equipment Cards
Thursday January 16th, 2020 12:13am
by whitebeard
The otherway to handle this is to not give treasure so easily, find items that enhance but may break, and rob them, etc.
Try the adventure "A Night Errant" in my DungeonsDark quest pack for a different example of how to beggar your players.
Re: Need More Equipment Cards
Thursday January 16th, 2020 1:32am
by runnar
I created a handful of new equipments (not card, text only for now). I will translate to english and post them here.
Re: Need More Equipment Cards
Thursday January 16th, 2020 3:45pm
by Anderas
I have some more equipment cards.
They extend the range a very little bit to the top, but mostly they offer options in between the game system steps, or even below (the heroes can certainly sell a found whip)
These are in "Mobile Phone Format" which is nice on, well, mobile phones.
If you are interested, I can compile them in 5 minutes to EU or NA format or any other format you prefer (poker, skat, 3.5x2.5, zombicide...) ... ZdhyhAlxRO
Re: Need More Equipment Cards
Thursday January 16th, 2020 7:48pm
by runnar
As promised, my equipment list:
Gambeson (200 gold coins - Armour): This padded cloth armour gives you 1 extra combat die in defense. Any time you roll a black shield in defense, this armour is destroyed. May be combined with the Helmet and/or Shield.
Leather armour (300 gold coins - Armour): This light leather armour gives you 1 extra combat die in defense. Any time you roll two black shields in a single defense roll, this armour is destroyed. May be combined with the Helmet and/or Shield. May not be used by the Wizard.
Small shield (100 gold coins - Armour): This small wooden shield gives you 1 extra combat die in defense. Any time you roll two black shields in a single defense roll, this shield is destroyed. May not be used with two-handed weapons. May not be used by the Wizard.
Tower shield (380 gold coins - Armour): This huge shield gives you 2 extra combat dice in defense. However, because it is so cumbersome, you may roll one less red die for movement while wearing it. May not be used with two-handed weapons. May not be used by the Wizard.
Greatsword (550 gold coins - Two-handed weapon): This huge blade gives you the attack strength of 4 combat dice. Because of its length, the Greatsword allows you to attack diagonally. You
may not use a Shield when using this weapon. May not be used by the Wizard.
Handaxe (200 gold coins - Weapon): This light axe gives you the attack strength of 2 combat dice. A Handaxe may also be thrown at any monster that you can "see", but is lost once it is thrown. May not be used by the Wizard.
Short bow (300 gold coins - Weapon): This ranged weapon gives you the attack strength of 2 combat die. You may fire at any monster you can "see". However, you cannot fire at a monster that is adjacente to you. You have an unlimited supply of arrows. May not be used by the Wizard.
Long bow (650 gold coins - Weapon): This ranged weapon gives you the attack strength of 4 combat die. You may fire at any monster you can "see". However, you cannot fire at a monster that is adjacente to you. You have an unlimited supply of arrows. May not be used by the Dwarf or Wizard.
Sling (75 gold coins - Weapon): This ranged weapon gives you the attack strength of 1 combat die. You may fire at any monster you can "see". However, you cannot fire at a monster that is adjacente to you. You have an unlimited supply of ammunition.
Javelin (200 gold coins - Weapon): This ranged weapon gives you the attack strength of 2 combat dice. You may fire at any monster you can "see". However, you cannot fire at a monster that is
adjacente to you. Any time you roll two black shields in a single attack roll, you have thrown your last javelin and this weapon is gone. May not be used by the Wizard.
Spear (400 gold coins - Two-handed weapon): This long wooden shaft with a pointed metal head gives you the attack strength of 2 combat dice. Because of its length, the Spear allows you to attack diagonally. A Spear may also be thrown at any monster that you can "see", but is lost once it is thrown. You may not use a Shield when using this weapon. May not be used by the Wizard.
Halberd (400 gold coins - Two-handed weapon): This long wooden shaft with an axe head gives you the attack strength of 3 combat dice. Because of its length, the Halberd allows you to attack
diagonally. You may not use a Shield when using this weapon. May not be used by the Wizard.
Trident (450 gold coins - Weapon): This three-pronged spear gives you the attack strength of 2 combat dice. Because of its length, the Trident allows you to attack diagonally. A Trident may also be thrown at any monster that you can "see", but is lost once it is thrown. May not be used by the Wizard.
Club (40 gold coins - Weapon): This wooden cudgel gives you the attack strength of 1 combat die, or 2 combat dice against skeletons.
Mace (200 gold coins - Weapon): This metal club gives you the attack strength of 2 combat dice, or 3 combat dice against skeletons. May not be used by the Wizard.
Warhammer (280 gold coins - Weapon): This heavy hammer gives you the attack strength of 2 combat dice, or 3 combat dice against skeletons. A warhammer may also be thrown at any monster that you can "see", but is lost once it is thrown. May not be used by the Wizard.
Flail (250 gold coins - Weapon): This steel ball attached to a chain gives you the attack strength of 2 combat dice, or 3 combat dice against skeletons. Because of its length, the Flail allows you to attack diagonally. May not be used by the Wizard.
Morningstar (350 gold coins - Two-handed weapon): This large spiked mace gives you the attack strength of 3 combat dice, or 4 combat dice against skeletons. You may not use a Shield when using this weapon. May not be used by the Wizard.
Maul (500 gold coins - Two-handed weapon): This huge sledgehammer gives you the attack strength of 3 combat dice, or 4 combat dice against skeletons. Monsters hit by the Maul are pushed back 1 square away from the hero. You may not use a Shield when using this weapon. May not be used by the Elf or Wizard.
Horseman's pick (320 gold coins - Weapon): This light pick gives you the attack strength of 2 combat dice. Monsters attacked by this weapon reduce it's defense roll by 1 combat dice (up to a minimum of 1 die). May not be used by the Wizard.
War mattock (480 gold coins - Two-handed weapon): This heavy pick gives you the attack strength of 3 combat dice. Monsters attacked by this weapon reduce it's defense roll by 1 combat dice (up to a minimum of 1 die). You may not use a Shield when using this weapon. May not be used by the Elf or Wizard.
Bec de corbin (580 gold coins - Two-handed weapon): This long wooden shaft with a pick head gives you the attack strength of 3 combat dice. Monsters attacked by this weapon reduce it's defense roll by 1 combat dice (up to a minimum of 1 die). Because of its length, the Halberd allows you to attack diagonally. You may not use a Shield when using this weapon. May not be used by the Wizard.
Whip (150 gold coins - Weapon): This long strip of reinforced leather gives you the attack strength of 1 combat die. Because of its length, the Whip allows you to attack diagonally.
Net (150 gold coins - Weapon): This large net gives you the attack strength of 2 combat dice. If the monster is hit, instead of causing damage, the monster is entagled and loose his next action. You may fire the Net at any monster you can "see". The Net is lost once it is thrown.
And as a bonus, a powerful artifact:
Deathblow: This magic battle axe gives you the attack strength of 4 combat dice. If a monster be killed by a strike of this weapon, the hero can make a new attack to an adjacent monster. You may not use a Shield when using this weapon. May not be used by the Wizard.
Re: Need More Equipment Cards
Friday January 17th, 2020 9:11am
by JCool
@runnar - Good list of custom gear, though I can see the trend of the Elf and Wizard not having much available.
Here are some items I've been working on for custom equipment (also posted in my thread on custom cards).
Boots of Agility (cost: 500g)
-When rolling for defense, if you roll more shields as a defender than skulls rolled by the attacker, you may move to an unoccupied adjacent space
Boots of Superior Agility (cost: 750g)
-When rolling for defense, if you roll more shields as a defender than skulls rolled by the attacker, you may move up to the amount of spaces equal to the difference in skulls vs. shields rolled (e.g. the attacker rolls 1 skull and defender rolls 3 shields, the defender wearing these boots can move up to 2 spaces)
Emperor's Armor (cost: 1000g)
-Roll 2 additional combat dice in defense against Bosses
-Etched with the Emperor's family crest and made to fit any body type (as the Emperor is not known for his physique), this may be worn by any hero
Attack Shield
-Roll 1 Combat Die in defense
-Roll 1 Combat Die in counter-attack, cannot be blocked
-A small round shield that has a jagged edge not unlike a dinner plate with a chip on the one end… sure it's annoying but you keep forgetting it's there until it catches you off-guard and taints your food!
Spiked Attack Shield
-Roll 1 Combat Die in Defense
-Roll 2 Combat Dice in counter-attack, cannot be clocked
-A medium round shield with a spiked outer edge for close-in combat
I'm also trying to work in a Bolas, but it gets a bit wordy on the rules (as seen below):
Bolas (cost: 50 gold)
-Thrown bolas at a monster to incapacitate it - monster cannot move for 3 turns
-Monster will break free after 3 turns, at which point the bolas is broken
-Monster attacks with 1 less combat die but not fewer than 1; can defend as normal
-Bolas can be recovered after monster has been defeated if not broken
-Note: Players can hold up to 2 Bolas weapons
-If more than 5 spaces from a monster, roll 1 combat die to determine if the bolas hits or misses the monster
-Skulls hit, all other results miss
-Missed bolas shots have the bolas landing at the monster's feet where they can pick it up and use it against the heroes
Re: Need More Equipment Cards
Friday January 17th, 2020 12:53pm
by torilen
I have a ton of stuff - you can start with this page:
viewtopic.php?f=58&t=1212That has my expanded equipment pdf and if you scroll down just a bit,
links to a couple of other pages with more pdf's.
I will TRY to remember to message you tonight, and I can send you
pdf's directly of everything I have...all of which should be more up-to-date
than the pdf's provided here.
If you want, just message me, and I'll see it when I come on tonight and then
I will remember to send them to you.
Roughly - I have expanded equipment, weapons, armor...
8 or 9 treasure/artifact sets, and a few skill sets that could
easily be turned into magical equipment items.
Re: Need More Equipment Cards
Friday January 17th, 2020 1:11pm
by lestodante
Since they finished the original 14 quests you can no go on with Kellar's Keep and Witch Lord expansions.
You can take the US version potions, there are 4 of them on both questbook. They can be useful even in the Eur version and are easily adaptable.
Re: Need More Equipment Cards
Friday January 17th, 2020 8:21pm
by runnar
JCool wrote:@runnar - Good list of custom gear, though I can see the trend of the Elf and Wizard not having much available.
Thanks @JCool. And indeed, there are only 2 itens prohibited to the Elf, and are also 1 item prohibited to the Dwarf, and they are so more for thematic reasons (I don't see elves using large blunt weapons, and a long bow is too large for a dwarf to use). But the Wizard, yes there are few itens to him, because a Wizard don't really use weapons and armours. I thinking in other type of itens more appropriated to the Wizard, maybe alchemist fire or acid flask. Or magic itens and artifacts, but I don't think these must be buyable.