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Prices for original EU expansions

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Prices for original EU expansions

Postby TechnoBiologist » Friday November 10th, 2023 12:51pm

Hello all,

Currently I am in a dubio about hunting down the original EU expansions: "Wizards of Morcar" and "Against the Ogre horde", or wait for the reprints (at least the Ogre horde is confirmed now). Wizards of Morcar was published in Dutch and now and then copys are offered second hand, but the prices are going up to 100 euro sometimes. Against the Ogre horde was not published in the Netherlands, so it is more rare, which results in higher prices then the Wizards of Morcar expansion. I know it will be not going to be cheap, but I just want to know what is a realistic price for these expansions in the Netherlands?
Posts: 8
Joined: Friday November 10th, 2023 12:25pm
Forum Language: Nederlands
Evil Sorcerer: Morcar


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