7/14/23: The official release date has been CLARIFIED that it will be Saturday, 7/15 ("HeroQuest Day") rather than the previously announced date of 7/17. Avalon Bill has also explained that "ship dates" showing up on HasbroPulse and other places citing August 11th or Sept 18th are subject to change placeholders in case they run short on stock, not an indication the expansion won't be available many places already on Saturday. Thanks Virg!

7/13/23: Hasbro announced "HeroQuest Day 2023" with youtube partners streaming various quests[/url] (Rescue of Sir Ragnar, Elven Prospector from MOTM, "Knightfall" the ROTDM prequel quest released for download after the stream, the first quest of ROTDM book titled "Ancient Waterways Within")... That's our regular HeroQuestFans stream day, so we'll be working our schedule around those as best we can on HeroQuestFans on twitch

MAJOR Update 7/3/23: New Photos have appeared finally of FAN UNBOXED sets from France on facebook and especially reddit: Check 'em out HERE. Everything spoiled except the Quests themselves so far!

Many more here!

So NO Sir Ragnar figure (or tile) in the box. Most of the new rules are taking place within special rooms ("Hideout" replaces a rest/shopping phase between quests at various times, the "Plaza" is a kind of stealth mission where you visit an outdoor area with villagers and use Mercs to assassinate monsters, presumably; Alchemy crafting is for the Wizard or other heroes who have purchased a 400 gold coin "Re-agent Kit" that can be activated at Alchemist Benches instead of accessing the Treasure deck). There are ONLY 4 mercenaries you can hire (one of each type, elven versions of the same ones from Frozen Horror). There are two "Ethereal" monsters.. Specters and the Dread Wraith. "Ethereal" means they can pass through walls/doors/furniture (but NOT travel to areas undiscovered by the heroes) and also that ONLY black shields count against them when attacking (but not when using attack Spells or Artifact weapons, making them especially vulnerable to those items). The Specters are also "undead" meaning they would be affected by the Spirit Blade and/or Holy Water. The "Arcane Prison" is just a cool looking piece of furniture, the Elvish equivalent of the "Torture Rack" with no special rules.

Update 6/20/23: Re-upload of HQF latest video covering the flood of new photos from Zavvi: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nQHUHknJE4U

Update 6/16/23: Pre-Orders have appeared from US online retailers. Amazon US pre-order (July 15) , Entertainment Earth ("August 2023") , BigBadToyStore (July 2023, SOLD OUT as of this posting)
Update 6/15/23: Tons of pictures have come out thanks to the Zavvi pre-order page. Click Here to skip to the posts where we show and speculate about the pictures....

Update 5/19/23: The first official pictures of miniatures for this expansion have finally been revealed here.!

Update 4/19/23: As reported by Elvyler, Oatmeal Lumps and Amalgamash, the official release date for this expansion was announced as July 15, 2023 by Avalon Bill on the official discord as well as by "Zargon" on twitter.
Old Update: Various pre-orders have appeared for various countries, listing pre-order for close to the same price as the Frozen Horror/Mage of the Mirror at release, and dates from late June to late July 2023. Attached a new, much clearer pic of the new box cover, thanks AH!
Spoiler News: It has been confirmed that "Sir Ragnar" returns, apparently as a villain (reviving an old plot-line present in the EU editions but the NA it seems, though perhaps better integrated into the story this time rather than a "gotcha" bittersweet ending). The illustrations show him with white hair and beard, wearing his knightly gear (sans helmet). See more recent posts for more info!
As has been reported by seekhashem, Elvyler and others, Avalon Hill's own Encarmine, the man on the inside, has teased everyone with a brand new expansion pack involving Knights. This yet untitled pack will be more than just another "Hero Collection" like we got with the exclusive limited edition "Commander of the Guardian Knights" pack from last year. The box picture looks too big and fancy to be just a couple of miniatures. Will it come out in 2023, 2024? We don't know yet.
No other details, other than that people are speculating this could be the opportunity to re-release (in alternate form) the "Guardian Knights) heroes that so many were sad to have missed, in retail this time. Others are wondering if maybe this is the remake edition of the "Dark Company" (4 board quest included in the EU exclusive "HeroQuest: Advanced Quest/master edition").Could it be a new ruleset for PvP battles among the heroes? Or perhaps it's a new quest pack chronicling further adventures of Sir Ragnar?
Or maybe some combination of the above? A simple tease from "Zargon" on twitter and an obviously manipulated image posted in the official discord of Avalon Hill, to throw a bone to HeroQuest fans while HeroScape takes center stage at this year's PulseCon event...
This on the heels of news that various pre-order sites (especially in Australia, but also BigBadToyStore in the US) have shipped or are preparing to ship their copies of the Rogue Heir of Elethorn out early (Oct 7th, rather than Dec 1!).
If it is based on Dark Company I would expect them to follow suit from the Frozen Horror's practice of having all in one sculpts of the mercs (rather than having detachable weapons), so the total minis would probably be 24 to account for all the variants IF that's what this is.
Edit: Confirmed this is NOT an "alternate cover" to an existing project (Mage of the Mirror or otherwise) or a remake of a legacy product but something "completely new."
Post your thoughts and any other rumors and tidbits as this story develops...
Edit: Encarmine confirmed that Elvyler guessed the TRUE title based on the missing word in that Avalon Hill Investors meeting screenshot. Rise of the Dread Moon (not Knights at all!). Great!!
Edit: More info below (posted March 27th):
Rise of the Dread Moon Designer Preview
Welcome back to the blog, gamers!
The design team has been hard at work on the latest adventure in the HeroQuest world, so we brought Doug back to tell everyone more about it. Take it away, Doug!
Rise of the Dread Moon
Rise of the Dread Moon is an upcoming HeroQuest expansion. We can’t pull back the whole curtain today, but we can share a little bit about why you should be excited to play these quests!
More Cunning Foes
We want Zargon to have more fun! How do you direct your minions optimally when 6’7 of solid muscle is standing in a doorway brandishing a broadsword menacingly and not letting anyone past? We are giving Zargon monsters with spells and abilities to challenge our heroes’ game strategies. Do monsters with strategic maneuvering and coordinated attacks sound good to you? Meet the specter. Specters are ghostly undead monsters who pass right through heroes, walls, and other solid objects. They channel Dread energy to snuff the life from the living regardless of the armor they rely too heavily upon! Oh, and they are even more deadly in numbers.
Rise of the Guardian Knight
Zargon doesn’t have all the fun. The knight makes their quest pack debut with new art and a new miniature! Are you ready wield sword and shield in defense of the realm?
Alchemical Experimentation
Our wizard has been hard at work brewing potions to help our heroes meet the challenge of the Dread Moon. You will see some old favorite elixirs, but without previous hero limitations.
The value of some potion reagents has fluctuated in this war-torn economy, so you may see some changes to the gold coin value of some of our potions.
When playing an older quest, Zargon can price potions as they are presented in that material or use these new costs if their Dread powers command it.
When should I play this expansion? Where does it fall on the HeroQuest timeline?
We see a lot of questions from players about when they should play an expansion pack. Narratively, Rise of the Dread Moon occurs directly after the events of Mage of the Mirror. However, you will find this expansion challenges new players and seasoned heroes alike. Practiced adventurers can follow the thrilling narrative journey as new playable heroes or their classic party, while also leaving space for new players to jump right in and play through a dynamic and exciting story.
How do you plan to play Rise of the Dread Moon? Cast the Far Voice spell and let us know!
From: https://hasbropulse.com/blogs/avalon-hill/rise-of-the-dread-moon-designer-preview
Updated with a high quality pic of the new cover... and FINALLY (6/15/23) with a picture of the actual contents of the box as found on Zavii (UK based seller)

Kurgan wrote:Maalicia_Ironhoof wrote:Has anyone done a comprehensive list of all contents and cards including all duplicates?
This is the US edition in English...
1 shrinkwrapped box with linen finish (just like Mage of the Mirror). no cardboard outer wrap or tape circles this time.
1 39 page quest book (10 group quests) wrapped in thin parchment paper and secured with tape (same quality as the other remake quest books)
1 flier with QR code advertising the Companion App (identical to the one included in MOTM and FH) <--- also handy as a 'bookmark' for the quest book!
1 Double sided tile sheet (same thickness as previous retail tile sheets)
Side A: 8 Lunar tokens (front), 6 caltrops, 2 trap doors, 4 disguises, 2 mirrors, 4 mercenaries, 1 elf assassin, 1x "5" reputation token, 6 "shield" reputation tokens (front), 1 "plaza" tile (5x6 room)
Side B: 8 Lunar tokens (back), 3 caltrops (back same as front), 4 disguises (cloaked npcs), 3 smoke bombs, 2 mirrors (shattered, exploding with magic), 3 villagers (elven elder gentleman, elven elder lady, hooded stranger), 4 masks (back same as front), 6 reputation tokens (back showing "1" on each), 1 "hideout" tile (5x6 room).
Total tiles: 35
two plastic "candy trays" holding the minis (similar types of plastics used in MOTM, with some furniture being of a different kind like the door bases; first appearance of transparent plastics) and cards:
Tray A:
1 heroic Knight (red)
2 Elven Archers (mirror images: 1 male, 1 female) (light blue) <---- identical to those in MOTM
2 Elven Warriors (mirror images: 1 male, 1 female) (light blue) <---- identical to those in MOTM [these were slightly green when held side by side with the Frozen Horror light blue minis, I haven't checked the Magus guards & Assassins with these, but I imagine they are the same shade if you compared)
4 dread cultists (gray)
2 Elven Assassins (light blue)
[Deck of cards]
[mirror bases]
[rectangular space for cards]
Tray B:
2 Magus Guards (light blue)
1 Dread Wraith (clear)
3 Specters (clear)
1 Elf Mercenary Halberd (dark violet)
1 Elf Mercenary hatchets (dark violet)
1 Elf Mercenary crouching with sword & shield (dark violet)
1 Elf Mercenary crossbow (dark violet)
[torture rack]
[rectangular empty space for small tiles/tokens]
[rectangular depression shaped like the quest book on top of the minis]
1 reinforced wooden exit door <---- identical to MOTM
1 steel/iron entrance door <---- identical to MOTM
2 plastic door bases (for use with the insert mirror times)
1 elven table (brown)
1 elven sorcerer's table (gray)
1 arcane prison (elven torture rack) (gray with transparent "victim")
1 elven cupboard (brown)
2 Elven statues (one male, one female) (gray)
Total furniture pieces: 10
Total character minis: 21
1 deck of cards held together with paper strips (the linen finish on the back of the cards matches that on the box surface while the front of the cards is more similar to previous releases):
(20 Alchemy cards, all unique, just noting where the original art and basic function comes from in parenthesis. all of them have functions in the deck and added flavor
text missing from the old cards, plus there are no per-character restrictions
Potion of Healing (GS)
Potion of Speed (GS)
Potion of Defense (GS)
Heroic Brew (GS)
Potion of Strength (GS)
Potion of Restoration (KK/ROTWL)
Potion of Dexterity (KK/ROTWL)
Potion of Battle (KK/ROTWL)
Potion of Recall (MOTM)
Celerity (MOTM's "Potion of Speed")
Potion of Superior Restoration (MOTM)
Potion of Vision (MOTM)
Potion of Magic Resistance (FH)
Potion of Icy Strength (FH)
Potion of Frost Skin (FH)
Potion of Battle Rage (FH)
Potion of Lesser Healing (POT)
Potion of Magic (POT)
Ogre Grog (new!)
Potion of Unforeseeable Fate (new!)
(3 Dread Spells):
Channel Dread
Summon Specters
(6 Artifacts):
The Cloak of Shadows
Raven's Talon ("Weapon")
Dawnshield ("Armor")
The Scales of Elethorn ("Armor")
Phoenix Ash (craftable)
Spell Scroll: Pass Through Rock (ROTWL)
Spell Scroll: Swift Wind (new!)
(5 Equipment):
Reagent Kit
Smoke Bomb
Helmet (GS, but added "metal")
Handaxe (GS, but added "may not be used by the wizard")
(8 Treasure):
2x Poison! (FH, text is re-arranged and simplified but same basic description, identical mechanic and artwork)
2x Unidentified Ingredient
2x Sacred Plant
2x Mysterious Flower
(6 Monster):
Dread Wraith
Elven Archer
Elven Warrior
Dread Cultist
Magus Guard
(4 Mercenary; each card has a unique back indicating the same hero art as on the stats front)
Striker (Swordsman)
Glaive (Halberdier)
Arbalist (Crossbowman)
Scout (same)
(1 Hero card; new art but same as the stand alone exclusive character)
Knight (same as Hero Collection Guardian Knight) * so right now you can play as him in the Companion App even before the update!
(3 Knight Skill; new art but same as in the above)
Knight's Challenge
Shield Block
Total Cards: 58