Having already added 3 new heroes, 8 new spell schools, and lots more arms & equipment, I got to thinking: there should be more dangerous enemies to use them all against! Several of them use Dread Spell versions of the new spells I made.
Poison Attack: any target damaged by a monster with poison attack rolls a d6; a 1 or 2 results in a poisoned status. Starting on their next turn, a poisoned character rolls a combat die. Skull: Suffer 1 point of damage, White Shield: Poison Cured, Black Shield: No Damage but still poisoned.
Stun Attack: any target damaged by a monster with stun attack rolls a d6; a 1 or 2 results in a chronic paralysis status. Starting on their next turn, a paralyzed character rolls a combat die. Skull: lose turn, White Shield: Paralysis Cured, Black Shield: Keep turn but still paralyzed.
Knockback: If attacker rolls any skulls, target is pushed back 1 square unless they have a character behind them or roll less than or equal to half their current BP on a d6.
Curse: any target damaged by a monster with curse attack rolls a d6; a 1 or 2 results in a cursed status. While Cursed, Attack and Defense are halved (round up what's kept). Curse is removed when the character recovers any Body or Mind Points or consumes Holy Water. A single Holy Water can be used for up to 4 Curse Removals, but a non-full vial of Holy Water cannot be used to kill any undead monster.
Psi-Blast: Once per turn, as a Free Action, monster can make a psychic attack consisting of 1 Combat Die. Target's defense dice are half their Mind Points rounded up. If this attack succeeds, target's Attack and Defense are halved for 1 round. If psi-blast succeeds on a target twice on back on back rounds, target also suffers a 1 point of Mind damage.
Sneak Move: Monster can move past Heroes at the cost of 2 squares per occupied space passed by. Cannot stop in a square occupied by a hero.
Tackle: If monster rolls any skulls on its attack, defending character rolls d6s for half of current BP. Any 5s or 6s resist the tackle, otherwise character is pinned down and Defense is reduced by half. Tackled character must spend an action to get back up even if the tackler is removed/killed, and if the tackler is still pinning them down, they must also roll a tackle resist to get up.
Acid Attack, if monsters rolls any skulls on its attack, they carry out an extra attack with 1 die, and for this extra attack, defender has 1 die as well.
Lightning/Ice/Fire/Magic Vulnerable: Takes 1 extra point of damage from damage-inflicting spells matching the element in Question, or in the case of Flan and Magic Vulnerable, all damage dealing spells inflict 1 additional BP. Attacks from weapons imbued with those elements get 1 extra die.
For each Drow: Shuffle the Dread Spells listed on the card and deal out 3; they can use those spells.
For each Witch: Shuffle the Dread Spells listed on the card and deal out 4; they can use those spells
The extremely thick borders are there because MakePlayingCards.com heavily crops the images provided for cards on all 4 sides, so I add the borders to adjust.
MinisAcromantula: Epic Miniatures Rock Spider, scaled to fit on 1 inch base
Behemoth: Epic Miniatures Manticore, scaled to fit on 1 inch base
Bulbasaur: Ask this guy
https://www.etsy.com/shop/PokeMiniMart or search for the Pikachu vs Bulbasaur toy packs
Drow: lots of choices, but I used this one
https://www.etsy.com/listing/991447882/ ... _purchasesEfreet:
https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D25169953/ Note that this model has a weak fragile spot with the smoke connecting to the lamp, making it prone to breaking in transit. Consider remodeling it first, or be prepared to glue it back on along with an extra piece of plastic bracing the back.
Flan: I used my Snott (from Earthworm Jim) figure. Pokemon Muks and Grimers can also work if they're the right size. Could also use Dragon Quest Slimes (
https://www.etsy.com/listing/1085570279 ... y-required)
https://www.miniaturemarket.com/wzk7335 ... lgQAvD_BwEHelghast:
https://www.etsy.com/listing/826006672/ ... ngeons-andMimic:
https://www.etsy.com/listing/1085558649 ... y-requiredOrc Sniper:
https://www.etsy.com/listing/1039366760 ... orc-archerPikachu: Either the Pikachu vs Bulbasaur toy packs or search eBay for Pikachu Keychains.
Raichu: Raichu keychains on eBay
https://www.etsy.com/listing/1035247656 ... -unpaintedTroll: Epic Miniatures Norse Troll or Mountain Troll, scaled to fit on 1 inch base
Vampire: Buy this 3D Model and provide to a 3D Printing Service
https://3dexport.com/3dmodel-krul-teppe ... 157359.htmWitch:
https://www.etsy.com/listing/884249984/ ... ncer-dd-3dWolf:
https://www.etsy.com/listing/918737976/ ... panion-forZolom:
https://www.etsy.com/listing/1100327854 ... res-for-ddAddendum: I'm thinking I might reduce Acromantula's Mind Points to 1. Remember to choose 3 spells for the Drow at Random from the list.
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