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How to Handle Traps for Solo Play

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How to Handle Traps for Solo Play

Postby Kyle+ » Thursday September 16th, 2021 2:22pm

Here is a rule for dealing with traps if you are doing Single Player: Once a figure moves on, adjacent, or diagonal to a trapped square in the same room or corridor, they must roll to see whether the trap is spotted. Spot Chance Roll: Roll 1 combat die. If you roll anything except a black shield, the trap is spotted and you have the chance to either jump over or disarm it. If a black shield is rolled, you failed to notice the trap and have triggered it, suffering damage. After the spot chance roll, proceed as usual (i.e., jump or disarm).

Has anyone else devised a way to simulate the surprise factor for single player?

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Re: How to Handle Traps for Solo Play

Postby iKarith » Tuesday September 21st, 2021 1:45pm

I have a few ideas, but haven't implemented them. I have a notion that a random dungeon could be generated ala rogue/nethack on the HQ board and a phone app could keep track of revealing these things. It's just half an idea in my head for now.
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Re: How to Handle Traps for Solo Play

Postby Kyle+ » Tuesday September 28th, 2021 7:13am

Awesome! Thanks

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