I've found 3 ways to play the Hero Quest game and I was thinking if there are more ways. So let me know and comment below. I'll list everything in here that I've found and ways you comment below!

1. Physical boardgame itself
2. Vassal engine (vassalengine.org)
3. Tabletop simulator on Steam (workshop edition)
4. Roll20 (creation) roll20.net
5. HQGM Which is available in here actually http://aginsinn.yeoldeinn.com/gamemaster/index.html (Don't know if it works. Cant get it installed. It's stuck at file Caxton Bold.TTF)
6. Singeplayer PC game https://heroquest.en.uptodown.com/windows (No installation required. You don't even have to unpack lol)
7. Singleplayer HeroQuest game for NES
8. Gremlins HeroQuest (Don't know where to get that one)
9. Vorpalboard.com (Your cash upload card instead for players to draw from and use, connect a phone for camera view of the board and it has a dice roller that you can create custom dice with. It costs $5 a month for the one controlling the game and
it's free for all other players.)