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Postby Headbangert » Saturday March 11th, 2017 11:28am

Hello there, I am 'new' to this forum. Well not that new because I've been visiting this site for a real long time but I now finally registrated. I've been playing Heroquest since my youth but I think I was to young for AHQ (I was 11 when I got it and english is not my native language so I gave up on it).
But now I found my copy back at my parents house (more the 25 years later, whoop whoop!) and I am back into it and having a blast!

I play solo most of the time. A big plus is you don't need a lot of space to play (since you're drawing the dungeon you don't need all tiles on the table). The only thing is that the paper work can take a lot of room. Do any of you have some advice on how to bring this back a little? Now I have, character sheets, dungeon draw sheet, gm reference sheet, monster matrices, men-at-arms sheet and of course the rulebook. May be there is an app I can use or am I using to much sheets? Would really like to know how you guys are handling this.
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Re: Administration

Postby mitchiemasha » Monday March 13th, 2017 8:30pm

I've not seen anything but if you do, please share it here for us to see.

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Re: Administration

Postby Headbangert » Sunday March 26th, 2017 12:45pm

Well, no app or anything. I now just took pictures of some sheets and use them that way.
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Re: Administration

Postby Jafazo » Sunday March 26th, 2017 3:58pm

I don't know anything about Advanced hero Quest but if it were me and I was playing solo I would stack the sheets up into one pile with the least important sheets on the bottom. Then maybe Place tabs along the sides separating the types of sheets. Since you're one player there's no need to scatter them around.
Unless you specify your version I'm going by the US rules.
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Re: Administration

Postby slev » Monday March 27th, 2017 7:26am

Well, I made the game worse in that respect, as each of my heroes has two sides of A4 for their character, and an A5 sheet for each man-at-arms!
Still love the game though!

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Re: Administration

Postby Mophus » Wednesday May 10th, 2017 4:32pm

Excel is your friend here. Put the tables into it and make a form, where you can choose the location of the exploring player (room/corridor), the monster matrix type and the number of visited rooms (TitD generator). Than you get the type of room/corridor, hazards, traps, monsters, treasures, ... as output. Be warned to use a computer with enough RAM, as the dozens of random calculations slow down the system extremely. I can provide you with a German Excel file, if you wish. I'm pretty sure a database would be the better solution for this task, but my knowledge in modelling the random query's in a database is limited. Using a real programming language is even better for this task, for sure.

There is also a great dungeon generator on BGG for AHQ. But it's Windows only.

Using one of this possibilities speeds up AHQ extremely. It's a true must have for this game. I suggest using Monstercards, too. It's way better than referring the monster and combat tables all the time.

Map generator on BGG:

A guy named Frank Clarke made a great article about the map generator:

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Re: Administration

Postby Mophus » Tuesday May 16th, 2017 7:59am

As Excel has too many limitations, I've used the last week to get into JAVA. The generator for the AHQ rules is done on a command line base. I'm actually working on the GUI instead of the command line variant. The next step is the integration of the Terror in the Dark mechanics & matrices. The final goal is to get the generator as an app on mobil devices. A map generator is not planed, as my time to get deeper in Java is limited and there is no improvement in gaming through displaying a map.

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