Not sure if this is in the right place .... you do not seem to have a place for ongoing projects?
Please move this if you think there is a better spot for it.
Hi all,
My name is Harry. I am Harry on Warseer and the Oldhammer Forum.
With the HeroQuest Anniversary last year and the Twisting catacombs Kickstarter just around the corner ... I decided it was time to give HeroQuest the attention it deserves.
I have posted this elsewhere but I thought I would sign up here to share my efforts with you guys.
All the best,
At Oldhammer Day 2014 a very fine fellow indeed turned up with the most beautiful homemade HeroQuest set.
At the heart of this was a 3D board. It was quite something ... not made with Hirst art blocks ... this one was laser cut. It was somehow made by taking a photograph of the board and then clearly some sort of magic was involved ....
Anyway ... I managed to get him to make another one and with the promise of a night of mad passion with my sister ... it was mine.
I had always fancied a 3D board but all that mucking about and expense with Hirst art blocks was more trouble than I could face ..... but this was ready to go ... it just needed a paint job.
... and here it is (Undercoated):
Those of you who know this board well will see that it is not quite a HeroQuest board .... very subtly different here and there and the key differences are that the squares a bit bigger ... perfect for a 25mm base and the corridor around the edge is a double square instead of a single ... (which are the two things I would have done to improve the HeroQuest board) ... oh, and the rooms are upside down.This was done so that the rooms were the right way up for the GM but the spaces for the card decks were in front of the players.
I have spent a long time looking at it trying to decide exactly what i wanted to do with it. I was really keen to do it in the style of some of GW's old floor plans but much as I tried I just couldn't help myself .... I had to paint it as a Heroquest board.
However, I always found the original a bit .... Bright. So I just tried to paint it 'toned down' a bit...a bit more 'natural. So it is still a HeroQuest board just a bit 'softer' ... a bit 'quieter'.
Anyway I found myself with a weekend with not much on ... so in between family stuff ... Here is where I am after a two days painting ... still loads to do .... got to finish painting the corridors and then add all the 3D stones and bones and blood splatters etc that detail the original. I also have to finish the gold trim ... several highlights to go. i confess I am still not sure i have gone the right way with this. I keep thinking i should have stuck to the stone greys of the original board ... I just thought the gold might make it look a bit ...posh.
Here are some close ups of the rooms with the board on top ... so you can see the the slightly more 'toned down' effect I have gone for ... you will see my blue/greys are not quite so blue and my yellow/browns are not quite so yellow ... the red/browns not so red.