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This may be the saddest thing you've ever read.

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This may be the saddest thing you've ever read.

Postby Blackthorn » Wednesday February 5th, 2014 3:13am

Last edited by Blackthorn on Wednesday February 5th, 2014 5:13am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: This may be the saddest thing you ever read.

Postby chaoticprime » Wednesday February 5th, 2014 4:58am

Meh. He's a clear collector. Losing stuff will only give him more joy in the future when he gets to collect it all over again. Looking forward to owning HeroQuest is probably just as good as actually owning it, if you no longer play.

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Re: This may be the saddest thing you've ever read.

Postby Goblin-King » Wednesday February 5th, 2014 8:11am

You can't buy back sentimental memories.

I have some goblin wolfriders my father helped me paint. His looks terrible (even compared to 10 year old me) but I'll never let them go because of the fond memories of us having a good time sitting in the kitchen painting minis together. :)

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Re: This may be the saddest thing you've ever read.

Postby torilen » Wednesday February 5th, 2014 10:06am

I don't know - some of that stuff is hard to come by without putting out some real cash, from what I've

I personally don't feel as bad about his HQ, though, as I do about his stack of old D&D manuals. That's
harsh...completely harsh.

I know the feeling though. I have a BA in Literature/Creative Writing. I had a whole mess of books stored in
the garage and during a really wet summer (first summer in our house, in fact) water came up through the
cement floor and ruined two entire boxes...mold everywhere when I discovered it. Needless to say, had to
throw them all out.
One was a poetry book published and signed by a professor who taught two of my courses. I'll probably never
be able to replace that.

As far as my heroquest stuff goes...I was out of the game for so long, with my game stored away (didn't have
a box for it, though - the box was destroyed), my board is warped and many of my minis are arm-less or, at best,

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Re: This may be the saddest thing you've ever read.

Postby Blackthorn » Wednesday February 5th, 2014 4:02pm

Wow, another BGG member bought him complete copies of the base game along with KK and ROTWL. He got them at a discount ($100 for all) because of the OP's plight.
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Re: This may be the saddest thing you've ever read.

Postby Sjeng » Wednesday February 5th, 2014 5:03pm

yeah I read that. Amazing :o
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Re: This may be the saddest thing you've ever read.

Postby Teldurn » Wednesday February 5th, 2014 7:01pm

Goblin-King wrote:This is now a HQ-themed parent/child fond memory thread :redheart:

Holding this spot for when my 2.5 yo daughter is old enough to play HQ with me.
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Re: This may be the saddest thing you've ever read.

Postby el_flesh » Wednesday February 5th, 2014 8:13pm

Good idea for all of us to get hold of tupperware or something similar watertight that's big enough to hold HQ materials...
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Re: This may be the saddest thing you've ever read.

Postby Sjeng » Thursday February 6th, 2014 7:50am

You know, that's actually a superb idea, for a LOT of my stuff in the attic :P
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Re: This may be the saddest thing you've ever read.

Postby StormbringerGT » Saturday February 15th, 2014 4:11am

FYI these are going in tubs. I am also in the process of constructing a bomb shelter to hold other collectibles in the future.

The money value of the stuff I lost is staggering. However HeroQuest hurt the most due to the experiences I had with them. They were my gateway drug, one I never even knew I wanted. Thanks to a very observant mom who thought outside the box (I'm pretty sure my Christmas list that year were all Lego, TMNT, GI Joe etc.) I am in this hobby today thanks to Heroquest. Heck me and 4 of my closest friends are here today in this hobby thanks to that one simple box filled with 80s high adventure! But I still got those memories in the end and just recently made some more awesome ones.

I'm trying to shove trade list and even none trade list stuff down their throat, its working... slowly...

Still had no idea HeroQuest was this popular today. And because of my loss I met a lot of other great fans, some in their 30s like me. i got one driving up here this summer to stay a week, then we are off to Ren Faire for the weekend in Wisconsin. I made the offer and he made good on it and I'm glad he did!
Sort of like a funeral, sad day right? But then you meet cool awesome family members you never knew you had! :D
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