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Work In Process[Quest Pack][20 Quests] - Old Enemies

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Work In Process[Quest Pack][20 Quests] - Old Enemies

Postby Beiren » Saturday December 28th, 2013 5:18pm

I'll try to post new quests here from time to time. This quest Pack used material from the game system and from the Wizards of Zargon. If you have the base system and also wizards of zargon, I'm suspecting you also played kellers keep and RotWL so your heroes should be a bit experienced. So I'll try to have my difficulty level good. Warn me if I go totally overboard.

Intro: Lisrex wonders over the cemmetry.
Quest 1: It appears that Lisrex, an apprentice of Fanrax, was searching for the grave of Fanrax. He plans to resurrect him.
Quest 2: For an old technique to resurrect a necromancer, 4 warriors are needed and there is news of 4 warriors gone missing. So they need to be found before it is too late. Akaroth is suspected to be the kidnapper. Buth Akaroth stalls time so a group of greenskin can run away.
Quest 3: The heroes persue a group of greenskin, that they believe have the 4 warriors.
Quest 4: They were tricked and need to go back to save the 4 warriors. Because there entrance is blocked, they need to find another exit also.
Quest 5: The warriors that the heroes have rescued are working for Fanrax and Lisrex. The original 4 have been offered to ressurect Fanrax.
Quest 6: Fanrax has ressurected Galoth. A ancient treat, that was difficult to defeat. He can only be defeated with the 4 heroes combined.
Quest 7: Fanrax will need the bodies of Zanrath and Boroush to resurrect them. The heroes need to keep the chaos forces away from there. But there are to many forces and the heroes will have to withdraw.
Quest 8: There is an intern strugle between the undead and greenskin. And Akaroth wants to help you. The heroes have to travel through a magical maze to reach Akaroth.
Quest 9: Just passing land of the undead. Akaroth knows some traps and that's why he should kept close.
Quest 10: The heroes find the 3 sorcerers (Akaroth runs away with a sorcerers book) and hunt them down, but only encounter Boroush and Zanwrath.
Quest 11: Elimenating Fanrax
Quest 12: Traveling to greenskin land, rumours about problems. Grawshak lives again.
Quest 13: Killing Grawshak
Quest 14: The 4 sorcerers are terrorising the people on 2 fronts, investagation is needed.
Quest 15: It appears to be the gosts of them controlled by Lisrex. Lisrex has been a servant of Zargon al along. Zargon didn't want to give his old luitenants a second chance, he needed them revived so Lisrex could enchant them when they got killed. The gosts can't be killed by normal weapons and the heroes have to fall back. So the heroes need to find a source to enchant there weapons.
Quest 16: Killing the gosts of the 4 sorcerers
Quest 17: Killing Lisrex
Quest 18: Exploring the second front where the sorcerers are reported.
Quest 19: The bodies of the 4 sorcerers are controlled by Akaroth who is a puppeteer. Time to kill the bodies.
Quest 20: Kill Akaroth

Introduction text:
It's a dark night on a desolate place. No living creature dares to come here during the night. Especially when the place is at his darkest. There even isn't a moon to cast a shadow. The only light that there is, comes from a candle. This must come from a foolish person, because no reasonable person would come to this dangerous cemetry unless you have good reasons to make your way here.
This person isn't bothered with the presence of the many undead creature who are wandering around. The undead aren't even bothering him. This must be a great source of evil to be so respected by the undead. Draped in his cloak, with his face under a hood, this person looks from tomb to tomb and checks the names on the graves. If an evil source is doing his own dirty work, then there is bound to happen something bad.
Last edited by Beiren on Thursday July 31st, 2014 3:39am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: [Quest Pack][? Quests] - Ressurecting old enemies

Postby Beiren » Sunday December 29th, 2013 10:23am


Quest 1: Cemetry of the Lost Souls

I have called upon you again my friends. You have fought lots a battles, but there is an ancient power that was ones slain trying to come back. We must response quick to this new treat. Gather your courage and make way to the lost souls cemetry. Try to be the first one. Because other forces are on their way also.

Because things had to happen fast, you can't use mercanaries.

A: This chest contains 200gold.
B: This chest contains 50 gold and a helaing potions that restores 2 lifes
C: This chest contains a trap. Any hero searching this trap loses one life unless if he searches traps first. There is 100 gold in this chest.
D: Whenever a hero opens the door to this room (not when the geny is used), this hero sees how a mysterious person uses a magical sentence to let the tomb dissapear. The tomb was from Fanrax. The Necromancer who has killed before. When the tomb dissapears, 2 mummies, 2 zombies and 2 skeletons take its place.

Wandering monster: zombie
Last edited by Beiren on Thursday January 23rd, 2014 4:12pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Quest Pack][? Quests] - Old Enemies

Postby Beiren » Saturday January 4th, 2014 6:18pm


Quest 2: Four wariors
Fanrax his body is disappeared. It was Lisrex who took him. He is the apprentice of Fanrax and has come for his master. He is a great sorcerer, but his ressurecting skill are not up to speed yet. But he is bound to know the classic way to ressurect a strong sorcerer. Four warriors are to be offered for this. At the same time that you all discovered Lisrex taking the body of Fanrax, there has been news of four warriors who have been abucted. You must retrieve them as fast as possible. If not, then Lisrex will be able to ressurect Fanrax and his powers will become greater then ever. Search these four men and bring them safely back. Make shure you aren"t abducted yourself, because it doesn't mather wich 4 warriors are offered.

Mercenaries can't come along on this quest. The next time that the heroes come back to normal grounds using the stairway, they can hire mercenaries.

A: This trap can't be found during search. After all heroes have passed this tile, the ceiling collapses and return isn't possible.
B: This Fimir is Akaroth. A chieftan amongst the orcs and highly respected by them.
He has 7MV, 4+2AD, 4DD, 3BP and 4MP. He can attack twice each turn. First normal attack (4die) with his weapon and after that with his tail (2die) another or the same person.
When he is defeated, he starts laughing and saying that this battle was only to hold you guys back long enough so they could escape. And he points to the exit door. The quest immediatly ends. And the heroes go out trough the door at the edge of the board.
C: The doors are locked and can't be opened.
D: This chest contains 125 gold
E: This chest has a poison dart trap. If it is opened before searching for traps then the player should roll 2die and he loses a life for each skull. It contains 250gold.

As a GM you should note wich rooms are explored (and eventually wich chests are taken). This will be needed for quest 4.

Wandering monster: 2 orcs
Last edited by Beiren on Thursday January 23rd, 2014 4:13pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: [Quest Pack][? Quests] - Old Enemies

Postby Beiren » Sunday January 5th, 2014 5:04pm


Quest 3: Pursuit
You need to find those four warriors before they have been offered to summon Fanrax. Move as fast as possible but always be alert. Those tricky greenskins are not to be trusted.

All Goblins in this quest have 'attack and rush' ability. It means that they can move-attack-move. Their total movement (first and last) can not exceed 10 squares.

A: This is were all heroes start.
B: When a hero comes from behind the corner they see this group. The two fimirs and three orcs run further while the two goblins run towards the heroes to attack them. When the two fimirs and three orcs run around the corner out of sight from the heroes, they are taken from the board.
C: This chest contains 350 gold and a healing potion that restores up to 4 lost lifes.
D: This fireburst trap is plate activated. It can not be found through searching. When a hero moves on to this square the GM tells him that he has activated a trap. He still may move further. On Zargons turn the trap will explode and everybody in the room needs to trow 3 dice. For each skull he loses a life. The hero activating the trap may choose to stay on the trap and sacrifice himself. He will lose 2 life, but nobody else gets hurt.
E: In this bookcase lies a key. It seems that it has been used recently. Take this key with you.
F: This door is locked and can only be opened with a key.
G: Through this door you exit this dungeon.

Wandering monsters: 3 goblins
Last edited by Beiren on Thursday January 23rd, 2014 4:14pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: [Quest Pack][? Quests] - Old Enemies

Postby The Road Warrior » Sunday January 5th, 2014 7:23pm

Beiren wrote:I'll try to have my difficulty level good.

Yep, you're definitely doing that!
The three Chaos Warriors guarding the exit door are going to be a tough fight (especially NA :chaoswarrior: ).

Are you creating your maps with Heroscribe? If so there is a 'Door In' and 'Door Out' you can use for notes A & G in 'Pursuit' ;)
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Re: [Quest Pack][? Quests] - Old Enemies

Postby Beiren » Monday January 6th, 2014 8:24am

The Road Warrior wrote:
Beiren wrote:I'll try to have my difficulty level good.

Yep, you're definitely doing that!
The three Chaos Warriors guarding the exit door are going to be a tough fight (especially NA :chaoswarrior: ).

Are you creating your maps with Heroscribe? If so there is a 'Door In' and 'Door Out' you can use for notes A & G in 'Pursuit' ;)

The three chaos warriors in the end are sort of an end battle in that quest. The heroes think that they can attack the first choas warrior, but only when they stand in front of him, the other 2 are visible. So I expect casulaties there if they are happy that the end is near.
I'll see that I'll change the doors the next time.
I already have the first 8 quest in my heads, and the last 3 or 4 also. But in between there is a small gap and I want the story to be logical, so I'm still poundering about it.
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Re: [Quest Pack][? Quests] - Old Enemies

Postby knightkrawler » Monday January 6th, 2014 8:44am

Also, push entry and exit door, the A and the G and the Chaos Warrior in front of the door one square up each.
Then, as soon as a hero gets up to attack the CW, the one from the left can cut him off.

The hero has to decide which one to attack as soon as he sees the one to the left.
A) he attacks the one in front of him and gets cut off from the other heroes, but the chaos warriors' two attacks could be against two different heroes
B) he attacks the CW to his left, which is why both chaos warriors will attack that one hero when it's their turn.
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Re: [Quest Pack][? Quests] - Old Enemies

Postby The Road Warrior » Monday January 6th, 2014 8:55am

knightkrawler wrote:Also, push entry and exit door, the A and the G and the Chaos Warrior in front of the door one square up each.
Then, as soon as a hero gets up to attack the CW, the one from the left can cut him off.

Now that is evil :twisted:
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Re: [Quest Pack][? Quests] - Old Enemies

Postby knightkrawler » Monday January 6th, 2014 9:07am

I often twitch the original quests that way when given the chance.
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Re: [Quest Pack][? Quests] - Old Enemies

Postby Beiren » Monday January 6th, 2014 10:43am

knightkrawler wrote:Also, push entry and exit door, the A and the G and the Chaos Warrior in front of the door one square up each.
Then, as soon as a hero gets up to attack the CW, the one from the left can cut him off.

The hero has to decide which one to attack as soon as he sees the one to the left.
A) he attacks the one in front of him and gets cut off from the other heroes, but the chaos warriors' two attacks could be against two different heroes
B) he attacks the CW to his left, which is why both chaos warriors will attack that one hero when it's their turn.

And I thought that I was :evil: doing that. Good idea though. Will be changed when I get back to my own pc.

Edit: I'm not going to change it. Why? Because when you move those doors and the chaos warrior one space up, then the first hero attacks one chaos warrior, but since most expierenced players stick together, the second hero attacks the other one. Then only the hero that attacks the chaos warrior in the sideway can be attacked twice if the chaos warrior lifes (the first one attacks, moves and let the other step forward). While if you keep it like it is. And the hero standing in the intersection can be attacked three times if he doens't kills a chaos warrior.

Cutting him off seems nice, but the chances that this actually happens are rather slim.The first one attacking decides if there are lives going down the drain. If he slays a monster, then the next hero can take the empty spot and attacks the next one.
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