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Ye Olde Inn 25th Anniversary HeroQuest quest pack

Brainstorming topics for the HeroQuest 25th Anniversary Quest Pack.

Ye Olde Inn 25th Anniversary HeroQuest quest pack

Postby Sjeng » Thursday November 28th, 2013 4:58pm

Well, with the recent 25th anniversary stuff going on, I would like to ask if you all are willing to participate on the following idea:

We, Inn members, create a large quest pack as a special 25th anniversary quest book thingy.

The idea is that we devise a loose storyline. Something not too set in stone, but a general idea.
Then we make quests. We post them, and see if we can mold them all into a logical story.
We create a cool template for the pdf, with a nice 25th logo (working on that already), and release it to the public as an exclusive Ye Olde Inn fanbase project.

- writers have champion status
- original 4 heroes
- original hq board and tiles. New tiles may be created and added to the pdf.
- 1 quest each, 25 quests in total.

What do you think?

edit: pasted the rough outline here:

Q1 * Village is raided by EVIL. Only four (heroes) escape - rest is killed or kidnapped. Heroes are contacted by Mentor. Basic orc/goblin/fimir emenies.
Q2-Q3 * Raid seems too well coordinated - too accurate for sandpeople. Something's wrong. Heroes sent to investigate EVIL lair. Maybe free villagers? (2 part quest, upper level and lower level lair) Basic orc/goblin/fimir emenies.
Q4-Q5 * Discovers that SUPER EVIL seems to be guiding EVIL. * Travel to AREA. (a trip through a dangerous area, maybe two) Basic orc/goblin/fimir emenies plus chaos enemies.
Q6-Q7 * Investigate SUPER EVIL LAIR. (multi level) * SUPER EVIL are gathering slaves from all over the surrounding lands to be sacrificed at the SUPER EVIL temple in EVIL AREA - In order to awaken/summon SUPER AVATAR OF EVIL Basic orc/goblin/fimir emenies plus chaos enemies, perhaps some undead here and there.
Q8-Q9 * Must travel to temple. (another voyage through a cave or crypt or something. Undead enemies.) On the way nearby town is destroyed! Oh noes! SUPER AVATAR OF EVIL has already been summoned. ("town map" quest)
Q10-Q19* Abort and instead gather X,Y and Z and Q to unsommon. Go on crazy adventures. Perhaps 2 maps per item, and a final quest to combine the artifacts, which leaves 1 quest to improvise something. I would suggest these 4 artifacts to be hero-boosting items, such as the amulet of the north. Something specific for each hero. Anything allowed per quest set. Skaven included.
Then, at the end, they can combine the items into an artifact that can destroy the Avatar by forging them together in a lost Dwarven forge, now controlled by Chaos Dwarves.
Q20-Q25* Travel to Temple to finally kill all SUPER EVIL and unsummon SUPER AVATAR OF EVIL. Any sort of enemy, including skaven, chaos baddies, etc..

We can include a variety of environments. Think crypts, swamps, deserts, cities, caves, dungeons, castles, towers, sewers... Nice looking tiles can be made to put on the HQ board.

Feel free to add ideas, and to take your pick of a quest, and flesh it out with your ideas. Please 1 quest each, so we can have 25 quest makers. Everybody else is welcome to add thoughts and critisizm, or even cooperate with someone to create one or two quests together.

Go, spew ideas, post them here. I hope I'll have at least half of you to pick a quest and thin of something before christmas, so we can try and string them together for a fluent storyline.
Use anything you like. All existing monsters are allowed, including the ones I listed. If you want to add chaos beastmen, go ahead. Chaos demons, sure! As long as it fits the theme and isn't too difficult to proxy.
You may use ANY traps / artifacts / spells from all released sets within reason of course.

Go wild for now. When we gather everything, we will start fleshing things out, and then balancing it, so the difficulty curve will rise normally without overpowering the heroes too soon, or making it way too difficult for them.
Feel free to create new spells, items, weapons, potions etc. I encourage new game mechanics such as new traps, tricks etc. Rolling boulders and revolving rooms are nice, but try giving them a little twist, so we're not copying thing exactly as they are now. Use any AHQ/WHQ ideas you can incorporate in HQ.
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Re: Ye Olde Inn 25th Anniversary HeroQuest quest pack

Postby The Road Warrior » Thursday November 28th, 2013 5:10pm

Sjeng wrote:What do you think?

Sure, it sounds good. Any ideas for stories?
Join in the community project.

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Re: Ye Olde Inn 25th Anniversary HeroQuest quest pack

Postby Hero_Of_Retro » Thursday November 28th, 2013 5:15pm

Im in. :) Would like to contribute to what I can.

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Re: Ye Olde Inn 25th Anniversary HeroQuest quest pack

Postby drathe » Thursday November 28th, 2013 5:17pm

I like the idea.

I think the loose storyline should not me mandatory for all quests. Especially if the total is 25. Then there will be some good quests thrown in-between that act as side-quests to help break up the same thing over and over. I find that players are ready to get a pack over with by the time they get to quest ten of the official expansions. Mind you, we haven't been able to meet up weekly any more. Not even monthly. When we do meet up they say, "We've been doing this quest pack forever!"

What's the due date? Late summer? Spring?

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Re: Ye Olde Inn 25th Anniversary HeroQuest quest pack

Postby knightkrawler » Thursday November 28th, 2013 6:01pm

If y'all are able to answer that question alone this thing is planned better than GameZone's *lemony goodness* already. |_P
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Re: Ye Olde Inn 25th Anniversary HeroQuest quest pack

Postby Patroclus » Thursday November 28th, 2013 6:09pm

I am in of course… But I think it’s better if for every quest we say “now write a quest for how the heroes pass through the waterfall and get the golden necklace from the ogres” or whatever… So for each quest we could have a poll and choose the best…

Also, it could be nice if we do a poll to choose the monsters of this box. Is it 3 skaven, 2 champions, 1 scaven wizard? Is it 4 wood elves, 2 wood elves with bows, etc etc… We should know the main theme, and in my opinion is good to know the story line for each quest.
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Re: Ye Olde Inn 25th Anniversary HeroQuest quest pack

Postby Goblin-King » Thursday November 28th, 2013 6:10pm

After reading about the IP problems with the KS I pondered and came back to suggest exactly this, and saw Sjeng had already made a thread! |_P
It would be a travesty if the greatest board game wasn't celebrated properly! Let's show'em how it's done!

I agree with drathe that a 25 quest campaign is a bit much. Maybe we should just make a mix of several small campaigns and single quests.
Linked campaign quests could be titled to illustrate they belong together:

Shadows Over the Empire part I - A Knife in the Dark
Shadows Over the Empire part II - Confrontations
Shadows Over the Empire part III - Fall of the Masks

Maybe start out with a mix of single and small campaigns, then finish with a longer campaign.

We would also have to agree of the premises of the quest pack.
Full party?
New or equipped heroes?
Mercenaries allowed?
Which rules?

Somebody need to volunteer to edit the whole thing to ensure a coherent look.

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Re: Ye Olde Inn 25th Anniversary HeroQuest quest pack

Postby Goblin-King » Thursday November 28th, 2013 6:20pm

Patroclus wrote:Also, it could be nice if we do a poll to choose the monsters of this box. Is it 3 skaven, 2 champions, 1 scaven wizard? Is it 4 wood elves, 2 wood elves with bows, etc etc… We should know the main theme, and in my opinion is good to know the story line for each quest.

We could create 2-3 new monsters to celebrate the anniversary. Maybe even have someone create them in the old style?
Then create the quests generally around that theme.

Skaven is a possibility
Demons and cultists
Lizardmen and a saber tiger

Dark Elves are too similar to the elf pack in my opinion
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Re: Ye Olde Inn 25th Anniversary HeroQuest quest pack

Postby knightkrawler » Thursday November 28th, 2013 6:26pm

I would play a counselling role to help where I can. Special rules, special stats. Many of you know how I tick, and I think I'm good at quickly whipping up this stuff. Balancing new equipment and artefacts, giving stats to a new monster, stuff like that.
I can also do text edits, though Daedalus is #1 choice there. Anyone needing a second opinion can PM me.

@ G-K's new monsters: Want to do the stats and special rules for whatever monsters you people choose to use. I have done many and I promise to not over- or underpower any. Want. Also, :cheese: .
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Re: Ye Olde Inn 25th Anniversary HeroQuest quest pack

Postby Patroclus » Thursday November 28th, 2013 6:37pm

Goblin-King wrote:
Patroclus wrote:Also, it could be nice if we do a poll to choose the monsters of this box. Is it 3 skaven, 2 champions, 1 scaven wizard? Is it 4 wood elves, 2 wood elves with bows, etc etc… We should know the main theme, and in my opinion is good to know the story line for each quest.

We could create 2-3 new monsters to celebrate the anniversary. Maybe even have someone create them in the old style?
Then create the quests generally around that theme.

Skaven is a possibility
Demons and cultists
Lizardmen and a saber tiger

Dark Elves are too similar to the elf pack in my opinion

The theme and the storyline could be chosen by a poll. I think we could gather 4-5 stories of 10 quests each and chose the best. But if sjeng has something ready, no problem.

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