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Reaper Bones Kickstarter

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Reaper Bones Kickstarter

Postby Sjeng » Tuesday August 14th, 2012 4:38am

I'm sure some of you have already seen this, but I just need to post it:

Reaper miniatures has been making their models in resin lately, starting with a selection of models in their webshop. This turned out to be a huge success, as these resin models are a lot cheaper, and now they've started a kickstarter project to get more models made from resin (which they call "bones") in a short time.

You can pledge various levels, but the most interesting is the Vampire pledge. For $100,- you get:


And the list steadily grows. 117 miniatures so far in this level! :shock:
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Re: Reaper Bones Kickstarter

Postby Goblin-King » Tuesday August 14th, 2012 6:35am

Wait wait wait, WHAT?
The minis made of resin are cheaper than the metal ones?

Two words to make my blood boil with rage: Citadel Finecast!

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Re: Reaper Bones Kickstarter

Postby knightkrawler » Tuesday August 14th, 2012 6:59am


Look at the regular Bones line: http://www.reapermini.com/Miniatures/Bones

Imagine the line becoming more diversified and even cheaper.
We're gonna get there.
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Re: Reaper Bones Kickstarter

Postby el_flesh » Tuesday August 14th, 2012 8:58am

heh. "Ghost" by Julie Guthrie is a copy of the very rubbery one I have - check for "Rusty the Ghost" in my sat nite dungeon thread. It came pre-painted for about $4 CAD.
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Re: Reaper Bones Kickstarter

Postby Ethica » Tuesday August 14th, 2012 9:29am

I want so many of those figures. What's the pledge business, is it about if they get enough interest they'll order the run?

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Re: Reaper Bones Kickstarter

Postby knightkrawler » Tuesday August 14th, 2012 9:42am

They already have the interest aimed for... times 12 or so.
The minis you get at vampire level - if you pledge 100 Dollars - are those that are going to become part of the line.
So we can get those minis at prices comparable to the regular line's prices.

But now, if you pledge 100 quid, you get 117 figures+, and they stuff more in the package almost daily...
the number increasing with pledges made.
It's just cheap *lemony goodness*.

I mean, I think I'm gonna do this, even if it's a financial balancing act for me,
but I'm thinking: import these minis to Europe, once you have them, you can sell the ones you don't need.
And that porbably is gonna re-fund me. I mean, look at the contents of what you get for 100 bucks!
Last edited by knightkrawler on Tuesday August 14th, 2012 12:07pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Reaper Bones Kickstarter

Postby Ethica » Tuesday August 14th, 2012 10:33am

I'm signed up!

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Re: Reaper Bones Kickstarter

Postby Sjeng » Tuesday August 14th, 2012 11:16am

knightkrawler wrote:but I'm thinking: import these minis to Europe, once you have them, you can sell the ones you don't need.
And that porbably is gonna re-fund me. I mean, look at the contnents of what you get for 100 bucks!

I'm thinking the same! Great minds think alike ;)

They're going to add steampunk mini's and perhaps even space marines if they make that amount, which I bet they will, so those will be good te sell. This is such a sweet deal, I'm definitely in.
And check out the number of tombs underground they can still open if more goals are reached!

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Re: Reaper Bones Kickstarter

Postby knightkrawler » Tuesday August 14th, 2012 12:09pm

Jesus fraggle!

They even expand the artwork to put graves in....
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Re: Reaper Bones Kickstarter

Postby Sjeng » Tuesday August 14th, 2012 1:21pm

that's what I meant by the underground tombs ;)
And you will notice that the cave goes on at the bottom, so there's even MORE down there.... *mind... blown*
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