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hello from the spiral stairs!!

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hello from the spiral stairs!!

Postby backwoods archer » Monday May 7th, 2012 1:25pm

Hi everybody! I'm Joe and i live in Rhode Island. I Can't begin to tell you all how excited I am to be here!!! I'm 35 yrs old, and i havn't played this game in 20 years..........

I have dug out my old game stuff, realized i was missing half the original system, so i bought a complete one off of Ebay! I introduced my 11yr old son and my 12 yr old nephew to this game and now we have a weekly saturday night game! (2 weeks and running!) so much fun! i can't and yet i can believe so many new charachters have been designed, rule changes, character advaces....i have so many great childhood memories playing this game. I'm also ordering battlemasters, as i also had that games as well.
Looking forward to getting to know you all!

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Re: hello from the spiral stairs!!

Postby drathe » Monday May 7th, 2012 2:01pm

Welcome to the community!

Nice to see HeroQuest being introduced to another generation. Hope you enjoy many years of questing!

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Re: hello from the spiral stairs!!

Postby Daedalus » Monday May 7th, 2012 3:42pm

Welcome, Joe. Sounds like you have a good gig going with the boys. You can present them with all the fun you remember, plus expand things as well. They seem to be at just about the best age to enter--lucky kids! Looking forward to hearing more from ya.

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Re: hello from the spiral stairs!!

Postby cynthialee » Monday May 7th, 2012 7:10pm

Sounds like a perfect age to get them involved in table gaming and get them away from the computer consol.

Are you gonna introduce them to RPG's?
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Re: hello from the spiral stairs!!

Postby el_flesh » Monday May 7th, 2012 8:08pm

You know. My father would never sit on a saturday night with kids and "play games" (said with disparaging tone).

Beernut does it just as much as backwoods archer. Do you think his kid and nephew will grow up ashamed of this time spent playing HQ? HELL NO! They will remember it as a great, fun time that they got to share with an adult!

Thank Science I'm not cut out of that baby boomer mould! But then again, look at Ken - he doesn't have that disparaging attitude!
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Re: hello from the spiral stairs!!

Postby torilen » Tuesday May 15th, 2012 7:35pm

Glad to hear you're introducing HQ to the youth of the world.

I can't wait until my son and my twin nephews (a year younger than my son) are old enough to play...I hope
they like it as much as I do.

For that matter...I'll get my daughter into, too, when she is old enough (two years younger than my son).

Got a while to go for that, though...son is only 2-1/2. So...what do you all figure...wait another year? hehehe
Nah....probably will wait until he's 10 or 11. Sounds like a good age - seems like everyone else who has intro'd
it to little people waited until around that age.

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Re: hello from the spiral stairs!!

Postby Daedalus » Tuesday May 15th, 2012 11:15pm

Check out this entertaining link. It's the chronicles of a father playing the first 14 Quests of Hero Quest with his three boys. They start out ages 7, 5, and 4 (Mom is a co-player with the 4 year old for most of the Quests.)

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