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Every cent received goes toward Ye Olde Inn's maintenance and allows us to continue providing the best resources for HeroQuest and Fantasy Gaming fans.
Draven wrote:In all the time I've played heroquest, not one character has ever bought the Plate Armour. Not really anything to do with the large price tag, but because of the one dice roll restriction. Just wondering if anyone else has found this to be the case,
drathe wrote:I've had a few purchase them, but only one use it and they did so quite effectively.
When a door was opened revealing a room full of tough monsters, they would equip the plate mail as they wouldn't be moving very much, or very far until the room was clear.
sadkitchen wrote:@drathe
That idea never even crossed my mind. And though what your player did follows what the rules state, the Zargon I played with would have home-brewed that a hero carrying Plate Mail could only move 1 Red Die, after the first quest that it was attempted. (We always play that rules cannot be changed mid-quest).
- it's a good idea! We find some rules change, somewhat arbitrarily; something we remember working before doesn't work a year isn't the DM being unfair; it's just realizing what approximates the "reality" of this magical fantasy immersiveness more.(We always play that rules cannot be changed mid-quest).
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