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drathe wrote:This seems more realistic to me. I think I'll test it out the next time I play this quest.
drathe wrote:At the beginning of this quest, the Heroes are captured and stripped of all their weapons and magic. A weaponless Hero attacks with 1 Combat Die and defends with two. I never liked these rules for the following reasons.
1) How do you take away someone's magic?
2)A minimum attack of 1 makes a dagger and staff pointless unless you're going to throw a dagger or attack diagonally with the staff.
drathe wrote:As pointed out by a recently deceased Hero player of mine, it's nice that there is no real levelling. Otherwise it would suck more to not only lose possible equipment (should other Heroes not be around during the death), but lose experience and levels etc. HeroQuest allows a new Hero to jump on board at anytime and if the equipment was saved from greedy Monsters, than all is pretty well the same, save for a few tears and some well deserved lessons.
Zeno wrote:I prefer the concept that the beefier hero types have a better chance of inflicting damage with their bare hands.
Zeno wrote:I considered something similar to Milk's, but statistically this makes the Barbarian's attack more likely to hit than with a 1 die weapon (51.77% vs 50% specifically).
Zeno wrote:You could drop each by 1 die, giving the Wizard no unarmed attack as drathe suggested- this gives some benefit to using a weapon. For those interested, the chance to get a black shield on 1 die is 16.67%, on 2 dice 30.56% and on 3 dice 42.13%.
drathe wrote:I agree. Look at the Barbarian for instance. I'm sure his fist could easily do as much damage as a small mace. The other Heroes, not so much.
Milk wrote:Zeno wrote:Personally, I would like to see unarmed create a Stun as opposed to Death. The problem in the HQ universe however is that Heroes can't pass through monsters which would cause great problems in corridors - possibly trapping Heroes forever.
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