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Chests? How do they work?

Discuss the Rules of HeroQuest as set out by Milton Bradley Game Systems and Quest Packs.

Re: Chests? How do they work?

Postby Thrawn » Wednesday April 11th, 2012 11:26am

Thrawn wrote:We are talking about using the following rules moving forward with our group.
1) Any room can only be searched once. (Not once per hero.)
2) Each piece of furniture may be searched once.
A furniture search is a separate search from a room search.
You must be standing next to the furniture (including chests) to search it for treasure.

We actually are looking at the same for traps.
1) Each room searched for traps will reveal floor tiles with traps, NOT furniture.
2) Furniture must be searched for traps separately.

By the way, when we play, we separate into two types of games. "Playtest games" where we are specifically testing quests to post on the board, we always play the rules as written. No house rules like I show above. "Campaign Games" are our for fun games for ongoing campaigns, and we like to experiment with more house rules. Some of the house rules get written into the quests for playtest games, but they are always part of the quest or quest pack. We try to make sure the experience we are presenting in a quest isn't different because we had added a bunch of extra rules. (That was the hardest part of rewriting WAAAGH! I had to pull out most of the house rules.)

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Re: Chests? How do they work?

Postby Blackthorn » Monday January 7th, 2013 3:41pm

Nephew of Mentor wrote: There is one exception to my usual purist playing. I don't know where I got it, but my players have been playing for years with the rule that each room can be searched only once, period. Seeing some previous posts I am wondering where I got that, does anyone else do that?"

I've always played that way myself, probably through my own misunderstanding. Like you and Goblin-king, I don't generally add a lots of house rules and extra components to my HeroQuest game, but I've kept this rule even after learning that each hero can search the same room one time. To me, it doesn't make sense that a hero can still find loot after his companions already searched the same room or found the item(s) specified in the quest notes.
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Re: Chests? How do they work?

Postby Sjeng » Monday January 7th, 2013 4:18pm

same here :)
Check out my YouTube channel Boardgame Heaven, and drop me a sub please!

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Re: Chests? How do they work?

Postby el_flesh » Monday January 7th, 2013 7:48pm

Ya I don't allow more than one search per room. But they must roll numeric dice for furniture, which is a separate search from room search. Furniture had nothing else on it after being searched. Snake eyes = critical fail, and it sets off a trap, even if there wasn't one to be set off. If it's something critical like having an artifact, then the NEXT person needs to roll anything but a critical fail to get it...but another trap can be sprung again!
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Re: Chests? How do they work?

Postby Fullork345 » Monday January 7th, 2013 10:26pm

Every time I read this title I think of the Insane clown posse song Miracles spoof where one of the guys says "Blankets, how do they work?".

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Re: Chests? How do they work?

Postby Goblin-King » Tuesday January 8th, 2013 2:26am

Actually it's "Magnets, how do they work".

The funny thing is that the song is about miracles and other stuff we can't comprehend. But we actually DO know how magnets work, which just make them look hilariously stupid :D

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Re: Chests? How do they work?

Postby knightkrawler » Tuesday January 8th, 2013 3:08am

We play like this:
First search in a room: draw treasure card from the golden deck
- more money, less hazard, average potions
Second search in a room: draw treasure card from the silver deck
- less money, more hazard, less potions

Only two searches per room allowed. Period.

Except for furnitures (except tables).
One search per piece of furniture: draw treasure card from the blue deck
- less money, more hazard, more potions

Plus one search per corridor part (from one corner/crossing to the next): draw treasure card from the black deck
- very little money, very much hazard, few potions
--> the corridor treasure search is for the very greedy and bored heroes.

I have 6 sets of treasure cards, that I divided into these four decks.
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Re: Chests? How do they work?

Postby Sjeng » Tuesday January 8th, 2013 5:54am

now that's interesting. I suggest you start a new topic with these decks ;)
Check out my YouTube channel Boardgame Heaven, and drop me a sub please!

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Re: Chests? How do they work?

Postby Fullork345 » Tuesday January 8th, 2013 11:06am

Actually it's "Magnets, how do they work".

I ment the spoof of that song from SNL.

Sorry for derailing the thread.

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Re: Chests? How do they work?

Postby Goblin-King » Tuesday January 8th, 2013 11:17am

Fullork345 wrote:
Actually it's "Magnets, how do they work".

I ment the spoof of that song from the dig your own grave websight, I'm not sure if that breaks the terms of service here or I'd have linked it.

Sorry for derailing the thread.

Hah! Hadn't seen that one! Nice... Carry on.

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