Not taking an action (or not doing anything) on a turn comes up often in quests when there are lulls in the action. Room searches are finite, after all. And yes, I agree that "may" means "can" rather than "has to." A dead hero is a perfect opportunity for a player who is done, to make their exist from the play session like a kid walking away from the arcade machine even though it says "insert coin to continue."
The reluctance to use healing before death in my experience takes a number of predictable forms... (1) inexperience (or they weren't paying attention)... (2) they didn't want to "waste" any points (wanted to heal the maximum amount)... or as mentioned before (3) pride (didn't want Zargon to have the "satisfaction" of having killed them ever.
Markus Darwath wrote:Could you be so kind as to cite where the rules specify an exception to allow casting the healing spell on Zargon's turn?
No, because it doesn't exist. However, the rule makes a lot less sense if it only works on the Hero's own turn. I think it's perfectly acceptable to assume that it works any time a Hero dies, under any circumstances so long as the requirement is fulfilled that the turns' action not already have been performed... so a treasure search that reveals a wandering monster that kills with its attack (or a hazard card draw) that reduces to zero couldn't be avoided with the Spell (only the Potion).
I did not catch that in my reading (note that I currently only possess the remake rules version) and thus assumed that casting a healing spell to save from death could only occur in those rare cases that the hero dies on their own turn and without having taken an action. But I did notice the specific statement that a healing potion can be taken at -any-time.
The limiting factor is IF the Hero has already performed an action on their turn. Anything else is speculation and someone who wants it to be rarely used could interpret it a different way. I think the intent of the rules is clear, that they wanted Heroes to be able to have a chance to survive death, much like they intended Heroes to block doors to maximize attacks against monsters, even if many dislike these rules and deliberately change them to improve the gameplay (in their view). I get it, I just don't think it's a problem and I'll say that even if Avalon Hill clarified their view of it on their Twitter or Discord.
If anyone is curious, the Companion App operates on the honor system (when it comes to using healing abilities and subtracting hero body points) and so there's no way to tease the solution out of it, it's still left up to Zargon's interpretation of the rules. The official PC game (oddball that it is) gives no clue either, predictably since it was based upon the 1st EU edition which lacked the escape death mechanic.
As Zargon you're going to have to make the call. Personally I interpret it in favor of the Hero.
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