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Kurgan wrote:We always took the "death save spell" as an exception. Normally heroes can only perform actions on their own turn. If you have any healing spell (that includes a healing spell scroll, treated as a spell in this case) the only situations where it wouldn't work would be:
1) You searched for treasure and triggered a wandering monster or hazard that just killed you.
2) You used an action (attacking, searching, spell) then used your movement to walk right into a trap that killed you.
Otherwise you always get the save, period. Anything else, and a surviving hero will need the Elixir of Life to get you back or you're getting a "new" character next quest. A Healing potion can't be passed to you except on another hero's turn, so it's too late if you don't have one in your inventory at the time of death.
Consider if you DON'T interpret it this way. This means if a Hero dies during Zargon's turn (monster attack), he can NEVER save himself with any healing spell. And since he's used an action when getting a fatal Wandering Monster or Hazard, there's no situation in which a healing spell can EVER save him from dying, hence it SHOULD be deleted as completely irrelevant from the rules. This is why I think my interpretation is actually what was intended.
I believe the "Flashback" Elf spell is another exception because you can re-do the dead hero's turn so he gets a different result that didn't end in death.
None of this comes up in the EU edition because it doesn't exist. The Japanese version handles dead/revived heroes in a very different way.
So I say in the spirit of Christmas, give the good guys a break and let them revive in this interpretation of the rules.![]()
Consider if you DON'T interpret it this way. This means if a Hero dies during Zargon's turn (monster attack), he can NEVER save himself with any healing spell. And since he's used an action when getting a fatal Wandering Monster or Hazard, there's no situation in which a healing spell can EVER save him from dying, hence it SHOULD be deleted as completely irrelevant from the rules. This is why I think my interpretation is actually what was intended.
How A Hero Escapes Death
As a Hero, if your Body Points have been reduced to zero, there are two situations where you can save yourself:
1) If you have a Healing Potion in your possession, you can immediately drink it. The potion will instantly raise your Body Points above zero, restoring you to life.
Clarification: This is a special exception to the rule restricting potion use to your turn
2) If you are a spellcaster with a Healing Spell, and you have not already performed an action on your turn, you can be healed by casting the spell on yourself.
Clarification: This is a special exception to the rule around only being able to take an action on your turn
24.7 Important! After your Body Points have reached zero, you can never be saved by a fellow Hero’s spell or potion. It will be too late. You will have died by the time it is your fellow Hero’s turn – the only time when he can cast a spell or give you a potion.
Important: Getting caught in a trap, drinking potions, and picking things up also do not count as actions. They can be done at any time during your turn.
plasticcraic wrote:Fantastic work David! And thanks for sharing.
One question I do have is whether there is a recommended order in which to approach the Quest Books (including the relaunch books)?
The Foresake Tunnels of Xor-Xel bridges us from the core book to Kellar's Keep, so presumably that comes next, followed by return of the Witch Lord.
How about the newer books:
Prophecy of Telor
Spirit Queen’s Torment
Crypt of Perpetual Darkness
My best guess would be to go in that "unlock" order?
Thanks in advance to you or anyone else for their thoughts.
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