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Bareheaded Warrior wrote:That said the effects of zero Mind Points are not listed anywhere in the rules so I have always assumed that the standard behaviour would be the equivalent to Body Points being reduced to zero as the two are directly equivalent so unless otherwise stated I assume the effects are the same – DEATH
Shark wrote:Yes but in the EU version of ATOH under the Mind Blast spell it states “If a character or a monster loses all his mind points as a result of a mind blast, he is knock unconscious and remains out of play for the rest of the quest. Mind point's are recovered between quests in the same way as body points”.
Now do you read this for Mind blast only or any time you lose mind points is another thing.
Shark wrote:Also for those that are allowing an increase in Mind Points to allow more spells do be cast, is that based on the maximum MP or current. Eg If a player who can use magic spells loses a mind point do they lose some spells as well, and if reduced enough do they temporarily lose the ability to cast at all?
I was thinking of doing something similar with increasing the number of spells casted with MP, but then had a player lose a MP in a test, and let it go.
But not sure that’s the correct way yet.
Shark wrote:Yes but in the EU version of ATOH under the Mind Blast spell it states “If a character or a monster loses all his mind points as a result of a mind blast, he is knock unconscious and remains out of play for the rest of the quest. Mind point's are recovered between quests in the same way as body points”.
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