by Bareheaded Warrior » Monday August 22nd, 2022 10:11am
Healing Spells and Healing Potions do state “Hero” plus Sir Ragnar’s Starting Body Points are not listed anywhere so no upper limit is given, so I agree that the official answer would be ‘no’.
However I think that any group of Heroes smart enough to think of this should be rewarded, rather than told “it is against the rules” so I would suggest that Sir Ragnar has starting BP of 7 and Healing Potions and Healing Spells work on him just fine, also in my last run through with this Quest the Wizard wanted to cast ‘Pass through Rock’ on Sir Ragnar which I allowed, after all he is fairly Heroic.
This also raises the question as to whether a healed Sir Ragnar can attack and can roll 2 movement dice, again I think so, but as he is unarmed then only 1AD and 2DD, unless anyone has a spare weapon for him…
= white skull, one "hit"
= black skull, one "hit"
= shield, cancels out one "hit"
Editions: 1989 Original Edition [89], First Edition [FE] and Second Edition [SE], 1990 Remake [90], 2021 Remake [21]
HQ Golden Rules Rule Fixes based on Original 1989 HeroQuest.
HQ Common Notification System to identify squares on the board