In light of the recent Hasbro confirmation
Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation that the infamous line of sight "clarification" diagram was in fact incorrect all along (which we suspected!) I thought I would take this opportunity to (re)state my interpretation of the rules around visibility.
SE Rules of Play wrote:What can be seen?
Deciding what can be seen by a hero is particularly important in deciding what should be placed onto the board. Characters in passageways or in different rooms are only visible if you can trace an unobstructed straight line between the two characters. If the line passes through a wall or a closed door, then the character is not visible.
Spells can be cast at characters provided they are visible to the spell-caster. Characters in the same room are always visible. Characters in passageways or in different rooms are only visible if you can trace an unobstructed straight line between the two characters. If the line passes through a wall or a closed door or another character, then the character is not visible.
As the heroes move, they will discover more of the board. The Evil Wizard player will place onto the board anything that the heroes can see. Therefore, when a hero opens a closed door, they must pause to give the Evil Wizard player the chance to consult the Quest map and place onto the board anything that is shown for that room
As the heroes move around the board the Evil Wizard player must consult the Quest map to see what should be placed into each room or passageway.
As the heroes move around the gameboard they enter new rooms and passageways. If you are the first hero to enter a new room or passageway, you should give the Evil Wizard player enough time to consult the Quest Book map and place onto the board any visible monsters and furniture.
In my opinion there are several mechanisms in use here under the umbrella of "visibility" (sounds like a cool Artefact) and it isn't clear which apply in which situations, so to clean this up...
A = "Visibility" - What can be seen, what the characters are visually aware of, what is revealed and placed on the board
B = "Clear Line of Sight" - What can be targeted by a missile attack (and those spells that use the same mechanism)
A = Characters can see the following:
• All squares in the room or passageway that they are currently in
• All squares in a room or passageway that they are adjacent to
• All squares that they have line of sight to.
Line of Sight = Characters have line of sight to a square if you can trace an unobstructed straight line between the centre of the two squares. If the line passes through a wall or a closed door, then no line of sight exists.
B = Characters can target with missile weapons, that is a clear line of sight exists.
All squares that they have a
clear line of sight to, that is where the line of sight is not blocked by another figure.
So in terms of text modifications/clarifications...I propose the following (mods in italics)
SE Rules of Play wrote:What can be seen?
Deciding what can be seen by a hero is particularly important in deciding what should be placed onto the board.
Characters can see:
• All squares in the room or passageway that they are currently in
• All squares in a room or passageway that they are adjacent to
• All squares that they have line of sight to.
A line of sight exists if you can trace an unobstructed straight line between the centre of the two squares. If the line passes through a wall or a closed door, then no line of sight exists and the contents of the square is not visible.
Missile attacks can be made against characters provided that a clear line of sight exists between the attacker and the target. A clear line of sight exists if you can trace an unobstructed straight line between the centre of the attacker's square and the centre of the target's square. If that line passes through a wall or a closed door, then no line of sight exists. If the line passes through a square occupied by another figure then the line of sight is blocked and the attack cannot be made.
Spells with a LOS label need a clear line of sight to be present between the caster and the target.
As the heroes move, they will discover more of the board. The Evil Wizard player will place onto the board anything that the heroes can see. Therefore, when a hero opens a closed door, they must pause to give the Evil Wizard player the chance to consult the Quest map and place onto the board anything that is shown for that room or passageway
As the heroes move around the board the Evil Wizard player must consult the Quest map to see what should be placed into each room or passageway.
As the heroes move around the gameboard they enter new rooms and passageways. If you are the first hero to enter a new room or passageway, you should give the Evil Wizard player enough time to consult the Quest Book map and place onto the board any visible monsters and furniture.
Note: In my rulebook the rules around using missile attacks appears in the rulebook earlier than the rules around casting spells so the description of this mechanism is explained at that first point rather than under spell casting which appears first in the original rulebook, depending on your edition/version that may not be the case, but either way the same modifications apply at the earliest point that the concept of a
clear line of sight is introduced.