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Every cent received goes toward Ye Olde Inn's maintenance and allows us to continue providing the best resources for HeroQuest and Fantasy Gaming fans.
iKarith wrote:We've determined there are really three kinds of visibility in HQ:
1. In play. It's on the board and the players can see it.
2. Line of sight. You see it, and you could shoot it or throw a spell at it.
3. Visible. You see it, but you do not have an unobstructed line of sight.
Daedalus wrote:I was wondering about what can end the Courage spell.. . .
. . . For me the question is what constitutes a monster not being seen by the Hero. Must the Hero "see" a monster at all times, or should the test apply only during the Hero's turn when he potentially needs it to attack with the effect?. . .
Kurgan wrote:. . . So a Couraged hero could kill the last monster on the board, let's say (to make it unambiguous) and then with his movement phase remaining, step on a "Wandering Monster Trap" and be attacked. Would the spell be doused in that case? It would seem unfortunate, of course, but these instances are a very real possibility in later quest packs.
Under the NA rules I play with (granted, I use a hybrid, like many of us do, but I try to follow those as much as possible), I take the stricter approach of "see" meaning an unobstructed line of sight from the Couraged hero to his target but place "the check" (if you want to call it that) at the end of his turn (run back into LOS of some monster to keep it active) and would tend to say that in the above circumstance, since it's still on his turn that this occurs (Wandering Monster trap doesn't end a Hero's turn, if memory serves), the spell would still be active.
Kurgan wrote:. . . But let's say the Courageous Hero kills the last monster in the room and the next Hero after him searches for treasure and finds a wandering monster, I would tend to say no, sorry, it sucks for the hero who had courage, but it's no longer active, so he doesn't get the bonus when his turn comes 'round again to try to attack this new enemy.. . .
Kurgan wrote:If the Hero falls into a pit, can he still attack monsters with the bonus? That gets trickier, but if he can still shoot them with his crossbow or toss daggers at them, then I guess it's reasonable to say he can still "see" them, hence Courage would still be active for that purpose. A little bit more of a stretch, but it depends upon where you come down on it. I would certainly say he can still engage in melee combat with adjacent monsters with the bonus since they can also attack him, though with the usual penalties for being in a pit.
Kurgan wrote:. . . That's all talking about Courage, but think of another scnario. Let's say you have a bunch of heroes lined up in a corridor. The Wizard or Elf wants to heal another hero, but there is another hero standing between them and the one they are trying to heal. Would you allow the intended target to be healed in that case?
A Good Rule of Thumb: Draw an invisible straight line between the centre of the square that the spellcaster is on and the centre of the square the target is on. If the line does not cross a wall, closed door, Hero or monster, the target is declared visible, even if the line just touches a corner or wall edge.
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