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Kurgan wrote:As I shared this example in another thread, consider the Barbarian in blue here. He can hit three monsters with his crossbow (white and green, but also the one in gray on the far upper right).
The adjacent monster (white) can't be hit with the crossbow, nor can the monster directly diagonal (gray). But if he wanted to throw a dagger at either one, he could! In short, the dagger can hit all of the monsters in the pic, while the crossbow can only hit three of the five.
Magic spells tend to be usable against enemies (or benefit heroes) you can "see" so such a spell could hit ANY of the figures surrounding the blue Hero in the pic below.
So I was mistaken about the thrown (magical or not) dagger's abilities (conflating it with the crossbow) and also ignoring the fact that you can "see" some monsters that aren't directly in line with the eight directions of squares from your hero's position. I plan to play it correctly from now on, which will certainly provide more opportunities for player action!
PS: Some folks made a pretty convincing argument that the relative distances on the board in HQ would be "realistic" for hitting something with a crossbow. Research into the other thrown weapons gives plausible results for: throwing knives, hand axes and spears.
Unlimited arrows, now that's unrealistic. But carrying just enough arrows (bolts, rather) to hit all the monsters in a typical quest? Perfectly realistic.
Kurgan wrote:PS: Some folks made a pretty convincing argument that the relative distances on the board in HQ would be "realistic" for hitting something with a crossbow. Research into the other thrown weapons gives plausible results for: throwing knives, hand axes and spears.
Unlimited arrows, now that's unrealistic. But carrying just enough arrows (bolts, rather) to hit all the monsters in a typical quest? Perfectly realistic.
Kurgan wrote:I'm pretty sure it IS considered adjacent (hence the limitation on the crossbow). The Crossbow, like all weapons (other than the Staff, BattleAxe and in the EU the Spear), is one handed, so doesn't interfere with the ability to defend with a Shield. UNLESS of course you're using house rules to change any of that. You use the same defend dice when defending against diagonal attacks (which are rare in canonical quests, but still).
Few admit to playing the rules exactly as written alone, of course.
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