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First and second edition differences in the UK rules

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First and second edition differences in the UK rules

Postby Okko » Friday October 5th, 2018 3:14am

Hi is there a simple list on this website of the changes to the UK rules in the 2nd edition?. Been looking but can't find one . Noticed the wandering monster cards replaced in the treasure pack and the change to the initial quest being called The Trial.
I take it that the revised version improved on the original rules or am I presuming wrongly. I

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Re: First and second edition differences in the UK rules

Postby lestodante » Friday October 5th, 2018 8:47am

Search for Heroquest site by Baloban:


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Re: First and second edition differences in the UK rules

Postby Okko » Friday October 5th, 2018 9:20am

Cheers lestodante that's really helpful cheers

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Re: First and second edition differences in the UK rules

Postby lestodante » Friday October 5th, 2018 5:31pm

This morning I was at work so I just posted a fast link!
But now I can add something more about the cards differences:
in the 1st version the cards featuring gold coins must be returned to the treasure pile after they are drawn, while the negative cards like the traps and the wandering monsters not;
in the 2nd version it is the opposite, the negative cards must be put again into the treasures deck and the gold coins are instead discarded!! So they make the game a little more difficult in the 2nd version;
also 2 spells, Courage and Rock Skin are different because in the 1st edition they last only 1 turn, while in the 2nd they last longer (until you can see monster and until you are wounded);
the short sword can be used diagonally in the 2nd edition but is really useless in its 1st version (probably a mistake).

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Re: First and second edition differences in the UK rules

Postby Okko » Saturday October 6th, 2018 2:09am

Many thanks, didn't notice the short sword until you pointed it out. Really makes sense! Looks like I will need to download and print the cards until I can get an original. (Who would have thought in 1989 we could now do that without specialist printing skills!)
Was the second edition issued in just the advance quest boxes or in ordinary sets as well?

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Re: First and second edition differences in the UK rules

Postby lestodante » Saturday October 6th, 2018 5:39am

Ordinary set! You can recognize the 2 versions by the box too: the first edition is showing in the top/left corner (under MB logo) "9-adult" while the second edition says "10-adult".
The Advanced Quest edition have the same cards of the second edition, just some minor differences on the Heroes card (text is in a different position).
As for the questbook, you can see from the back cover wich version it is: 4271GB489 or 4271GB490. Each part of the code identifies product (first four digits), country (the two letters) and release date (last 3 digits), so if you decompose the code 4271GB489, you have to read:
4271(product, Heroquest base set) GB (country, Great Britain version) 4 (month, april) 89 (year, 1989).
There are codes on several pieces, box, questbook, instruction manual, tiles sheet, cards. Every correction or update they did, resulted in a new code.

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Re: First and second edition differences in the UK rules

Postby Okko » Saturday October 6th, 2018 6:34am

Brilliant info cheers

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Re: First and second edition differences in the UK rules

Postby Gold Bearer » Sunday October 7th, 2018 7:05am

The two main differences are instead of two shields and helmets there's only one of each but one bracers and cloak of protection instead and the replacement of The Maze with The Trial.

lestodante wrote:But now I can add something more about the cards differences:
in the 1st version the cards featuring gold coins must be returned to the treasure pile after they are drawn, while the negative cards like the traps and the wandering monsters not;
in the 2nd version it is the opposite, the negative cards must be put again into the treasures deck and the gold coins are instead discarded!! So they make the game a little more difficult in the 2nd version;
Hmm, I didn't know that one. I really can't remember if we even noticed that rule back in the day, I don't think we put any back in.

lestodante wrote:also 2 spells, Courage and Rock Skin are different because in the 1st edition they last only 1 turn, while in the 2nd they last longer (until you can see monster and until you are wounded);
Does courage actually last longer though or is it the same as in the US version? US Version: You get two extra dice on your next attack unless there's ever no monster in sight before your next attack.

lestodante wrote:the short sword can be used diagonally in the 2nd edition but is really useless in its 1st version (probably a mistake).
That's not right. I had the 1st edition and the short sword could attack diagonally (short sword, staff and spear could, spear and hand axe could be thrown).
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Re: First and second edition differences in the UK rules

Postby knightkrawler » Sunday October 7th, 2018 7:33am

Gold Bearer wrote:
lestodante wrote:the short sword can be used diagonally in the 2nd edition but is really useless in its 1st version (probably a mistake).
That's not right. I had the 1st edition and the short sword could attack diagonally (short sword, staff and spear could, spear and hand axe could be thrown).

Methinks it was the other way around. 1st edition diagonal, 2nd edition not. Which was one of the things weakening 2nd edition, along with its getting rid of the rule that you cannot move through the same square twice in the same turn.
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Re: First and second edition differences in the UK rules

Postby lestodante » Sunday October 7th, 2018 1:11pm

in all the 1989 version I've seen, the short sword can't attack diagonally. In the 1990 version it can.
I've taken some photos of the cards, on the left side there is the 1990's card and on th eright the 1989 (I should do the opposite, I know...).
So in 1989, the game difficult was very easy, in 1990 the level increased and with the Game-System it became harder!
NOTE: in both Italian versions the Short Sword can not attack diagonally (they probably forgot to correct the mistake).


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