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Maurice76 wrote:Also, it seems a bit ... weird that a Hero wouldn't be able to search a tile directly on the other side of the threshold, while at the same time if a Hero stands on one corner of the long hallway at the outer edge of the board and there's a trap all the way in the other far corner, that the Hero would be able to detect it by searching just fine.
Maurice76 wrote:I understand what you mean, but it steps over the possibility of monsters standing in the hallway that branches off of that long one. In fact, any T-split in the hallway could lead to this issue: traps discovered in the second part, beyond the T-split, without triggering monsters in the side hallway seems weird.
The Admiral wrote:Tough, the Hero triggers the trap if they go through the door. If it's a falling block then don't choose to go into the room.
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