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Incorrectly Played Rules

Discuss the Rules of HeroQuest as set out by Milton Bradley Game Systems and Quest Packs.

Re: Incorrectly Played Rules

Postby alyndavies » Tuesday July 7th, 2015 3:29pm

drathe wrote:
alyndavies wrote:For some strange reason we all had Hero Quest, but only one of us has Wizards Cloak and Bracers equipment cards so we used to bring those cards along to games so he could defend with 6.

The cloak and bracers were introduced in the second edition replacing the duplicate helmet and shield.

Yeah I gathered it was something along those lines, oddly enough when we started to grow out of the game I managed to get those 2 cards off my friend and still have them to this day.

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Re: Incorrectly Played Rules

Postby -wyvern- » Sunday August 2nd, 2015 5:48pm

When i first started playing, i had this stupid house rule that the barbarian could swing his sword completely around him (one attack roll) harming any creatures in any square adjacent to him. It was devastating for goblins and such creatures.

I also tried to convince my players that they should only use the weapons that were physically on the miniature of their character.

What can I say, I was a kid.

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Re: Incorrectly Played Rules

Postby GimmeYerGold » Sunday August 2nd, 2015 7:36pm

that barbarian rule is p cool actually :D

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Re: Incorrectly Played Rules

Postby -wyvern- » Sunday August 2nd, 2015 10:50pm

Yeah, it was cool. Was a little too much like a videogame. :-)

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Re: Incorrectly Played Rules

Postby alyndavies » Wednesday August 5th, 2015 3:07pm

the barbarian is too over powered anyway that swinging sword thing is cheating :P

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Re: Incorrectly Played Rules

Postby Daedalus » Sunday October 4th, 2015 6:02pm

I believe my old group has handled NA treasure searches wrong. We used to allow the other three Heroes to take Treasure Cards after the first Hero had discovered special treasure from the Quest Notes. "A room may be searched by all four Heroes..." and "The special treasure is discovered only once by the first Hero who searches the room for treasure, even if other Heroes later search that same room"; both of those statements led us to believe the point of later treasure searches by other Heroes was to take Treasure Cards. We didn't consider that the text of the last sentence was instead only to exclude the possibility of a special treasure from being repeatedly awarded.

After thinking through the logic of why only single searches are allowed in the EU rules (see another thread), I've at last come to identify the same limitation in the NA rules where a room contains special treasure: only one treasure search is allowed. "If there is no special treasure called out to Zargon in the Quest Book, you, as a Hero, must draw a random card from the Treasure Card deck . . .." Conversely, if there is special treasure called out, Heroes may NOT draw a Treasure Card. After the first search finds the special treasure, no other searches are possible.

I'd even go so far as to say an empty chest or weapons rack with useless weapons could count as special treasure from the notes--it has a description, even if not positive. That means no treasure for the room!

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Re: Incorrectly Played Rules

Postby SirRick » Wednesday February 17th, 2016 7:08pm

When i first received the game i was too young to understand the rules, and i played each combat back and forth to the death. As soon as i got the patience to actually read the rule book, then i knew what i was doing wrong.

Even after that we played that when a hero was killed, a spell caster could immediately save him with a healing spell. It was years before we realized that was agaisnt the rules.

When searching for treasure, we all thought only one search could be done per room, so there was a lot of competition for who would get to search for treasure. Sometimes people would avoid killing monsters so they could let someone else kill the monster instead, so they might get the chance to search on their next turn. It was only years after we stopped playing this game that I realized that every hero can search for treasure in the same room. We never realized the treasure deck needed to be shuffled every time as well.

As for line of sight, when casting spells, fellow heroes did not block line of sight, but we did not allow ranged weapons to be used this way, unless they were trying to shoot past the dwarf. We ruled that he was so short, he did not block line of sight. This was more meta-gaming because we knew we were doing it incorrectly.

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Re: Incorrectly Played Rules

Postby mitchiemasha » Thursday February 18th, 2016 6:41am

[This post was copied and split into a new topic, Removing Falling Block Traps, on 8/23/16.]

So... falling block traps UK edition. By the rules the dwarf and tool kit can remove these.

Page 12 5th line
Pit traps and falling block traps are placed on the board when found

you may remove any visible traps in the same room or corridor

As the quote still refers to the falling block trap as a trap even though it no longer is, technically the dwarf can remove this. The mechanic should state somewhere that the falling block is now no longer a trap, unless they want it to remain so.

The rest of the paragraph on page 12 goes on to say about the tool kit and the dwarf. How they can remove a trap from the board. As the opening line says "falling block traps are placed on the board", they can be removed. I guess thematically, if the tool kit holder was to attempt to remove the falling block trap, after it had fell, rolling a skull signifies more rocks falling on them.

Thanks to the Quest for the Spirit Blade, where falling block traps aren't falling block traps, we've never revealed falling block traps when searching, just simply pointing out the dangerous square, which we have to remember.

Also Barak Tor, which waits for the last Hero to pass. If the dwarf can remove this as the rules suggest, it break this quest feature. THOUGHTS???
Last edited by Daedalus on Monday August 22nd, 2016 8:10pm, edited 4 times in total.
Reason: Added link to split topic

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Re: Incorrectly Played Rules

Postby Redav » Thursday February 18th, 2016 7:05am

Once a falling block trap has been activated, the rock tile is placed but the trap no longer exists so I'd say the dwarf can't remove that
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Re: Incorrectly Played Rules

Postby Gold Bearer » Thursday February 18th, 2016 7:49am

Can add some spells to this list. US Courage only allows one attack with two extra dice and Treasure Horde, Invisibility and Future Sight from WoM can be cast on other targets because the 'you' in the descriptions refers to the target of the spell, not the caster.
:goblin: 1BP, :orc: 2BP, :fimir: 3BP, :skeleton: 1BP, :zombie: 2BP, :mummy: 3BP, :chaoswarrior: 4BP, :gargoyle: 5BP. US :chaoswarrior: 3BP, US :gargoyle: 4BP.

Expanded Combined Spells: viewtopic.php?f=38&t=4296

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