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Incorrectly Played Rules

Discuss the Rules of HeroQuest as set out by Milton Bradley Game Systems and Quest Packs.

Re: Incorrectly Played Rules

Postby FainFlynn » Monday March 2nd, 2015 4:45pm

Oh snap, and I am guilty of not shuffling each time they draw a card.

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Re: Incorrectly Played Rules

Postby the_nine_riders » Thursday March 5th, 2015 1:19am

FainFlynn wrote:

Am I correct in that all 4 warriors can search a particular room, to effectively draw 4 treasure cards?

The book says "a room may be searched by all 4 heroes, but each individual hero may only search the room once"

That is how I've always interpreted the rules, otherwise it would seem pointless to have each hero able to search a room
for treasure. The danger with doing that would be drawing the wandering monster card or hazard cards, so I think it limits
players from doing that too much.

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Re: Incorrectly Played Rules

Postby Redav » Friday April 3rd, 2015 7:50am

FainFlynn wrote:The book says "a room may be searched by all 4 heroes, but each individual hero may only search the room once"

We don't play that because a game would take heaps longer.
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Re: Incorrectly Played Rules

Postby Redav » Wednesday April 15th, 2015 4:41pm

So mitchiemasha has pointed out that we've been playing the searching of traps and secret passageways incorrectly. I've been playing that they are separate searches which is right in the NA rules but they should be combined in the EU rules.
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Re: Incorrectly Played Rules

Postby mitchiemasha » Wednesday April 15th, 2015 7:06pm

I've also just realised there is 2 editions of the Eu rules. This may have been mentioned before and i'd forgot but when checking the search rules today, I seen it first hand. Treasure cards in 1 edition are replaced in deck, in the other are not. There's more fluff in 1 of the EU edition too, i'd not noticed this before.

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Re: Incorrectly Played Rules

Postby Daedalus » Monday June 1st, 2015 11:28pm

mitchiemasha wrote:I've also just realised there is 2 editions of the Eu rules. This may have been mentioned before and i'd forgot but when checking the search rules today, I seen it first hand. Treasure cards in 1 edition are replaced in deck, in the other are not. There's more fluff in 1 of the EU edition too, i'd not noticed this before.

First and second edition EU treasure pile card replacement was discussed in this thread.

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Re: Incorrectly Played Rules

Postby alyndavies » Monday July 6th, 2015 7:17am

mistakes we made as kids:

You could remove your Plate Armor during your turn so you could roll 2 dice instead of one. Then it was pointed out to us your still carrying the weight so we just ignored the 1 dice rule.

I remember us implementing a Space Crusade rule that if a monster was attacked diagonally it rolled 1 less dice in defense, as their not used to fighting diagonally. I actually thought this was part of the game, but discovered recently it's not, but I know the Blood Angels have such a rule for bolters in Space Crusade.

You could search a room or corridor more than once for treasure, it's impossible to remember what rooms have been searched and not been searched so we let it go to save arguments.

The Wizard was always given Borins Armor and the Spirit blade as it was his only chance of surviving later in the game, it doesn't actually say on the Uk cards the Wizards can't use them. For some strange reason we all had Hero Quest, but only one of us has Wizards Cloak and Bracers equipment cards so we used to bring those cards along to games so he could defend with 6.

Another rule was if a player died, the monster who killed the hero would steal all his gold and equipment, then if someone killed that monster they'd get the items. If could be fun having a Goblin run like hell around the board trying to evade the heroes and trying to escape to the stairs with the players loot. :D

If anyone got the Talisman of Lore they could use spells. Basically the Elf had 4 mind points and 1 set of spells and the wizard had 6 mind points and had 3 sets. So if the Dwarf got the Talisman he had 5 mind points and could use 2 sets of spells. If the Barbarian got it he now had 4 mind points and could use a spell set etc, etc. 4 mind points = 1 set of spells, 5 mind points = 2 sets of spells, 6 mind points = 3 sets of spells, 7+ mind points = 4 sets of spells.

Probably the funniest of all is being only 10 years old at the time we didn't know what "fools gold" was, so after that quest the lads we trading WWF wrestling stickers for hero quest gold so they could buy equipment. "You give me 10 stickers I'll give you 100 gold to buy a shield etc, etc, lol.

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Re: Incorrectly Played Rules

Postby GimmeYerGold » Monday July 6th, 2015 11:20am

alyndavies wrote:
Probably the funniest of all is being only 10 years old at the time we didn't know what "fools gold" was, so after that quest the lads we trading WWF wrestling stickers for hero quest gold so they could buy equipment. "You give me 10 stickers I'll give you 100 gold to buy a shield etc, etc, lol.

haha that is hilarious! :lol:

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Re: Incorrectly Played Rules

Postby alyndavies » Monday July 6th, 2015 1:40pm

GimmeYerGold wrote:
alyndavies wrote:
Probably the funniest of all is being only 10 years old at the time we didn't know what "fools gold" was, so after that quest the lads we trading WWF wrestling stickers for hero quest gold so they could buy equipment. "You give me 10 stickers I'll give you 100 gold to buy a shield etc, etc, lol.

haha that is hilarious! :lol:

http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/WWF-WWE-SUPER ... 1e9fef9fff

There we go, I found it, lol. :lol:

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Re: Incorrectly Played Rules

Postby drathe » Tuesday July 7th, 2015 12:04pm

alyndavies wrote:For some strange reason we all had Hero Quest, but only one of us has Wizards Cloak and Bracers equipment cards so we used to bring those cards along to games so he could defend with 6.

The cloak and bracers were introduced in the second edition replacing the duplicate helmet and shield.

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