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Pass through rock - furniture and monsters

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Re: Pass through rock - furniture and monsters

Postby Jafazo » Wednesday December 24th, 2014 6:00pm

At this point, I imagine this...

Developer1 - "Hey, c'mere, check this out."
Developer2 - "Sup?"
Devolper1 - While chewing on some cookies, "Look'it these guys. They're killing each other over your pass through rock spell."
Developer2 - "Wow... damn. Look at this one, the caster would fall through the floor."
Developer1 - "Yeah seriously, but check out this guy, he has it down to a science with how it must only apply to verticle movement."
Developer2 - "Sunuva... you're right wow, I hadn't put that much thought into it."
Developer1 - "Maybe next time specify that all the floors are made of plastic?"
Developer2 -"You kidding me? This shyt's priceless, move aside."
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Re: Pass through rock - furniture and monsters

Postby Anderas » Thursday December 25th, 2014 2:44am

Now, if we allow pass through floor, do we need another game board under the table? :D

If HQ is a RPG or not is a useless question, i think. The frontier between boardgames and RPG is not really clear- it depends strongly on the style of both, players and DM. The prerequisite is to have sort of a Game Master. We have one.
I have been playing RPG with people who wanted to munchkin the RPG rules. A good case of a RPG drifting into the boardgame corner.
With a little fantasy and freedom added, a boardgame like this can easily drift into the RPG corner, why not! But there is no need to have a discussion about the Details. It is depending on the group and the DM, but not on an internet forum.

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Re: Pass through rock - furniture and monsters

Postby el_flesh » Thursday December 25th, 2014 7:28am

So what's an Internet forum for? Dissing each other's take on it? ....
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Re: Pass through rock - furniture and monsters

Postby knightkrawler » Thursday December 25th, 2014 8:27am

Anderas wrote:...no need to have a discussion [...] on an internet forum.


el_flesh wrote:So what's an Internet forum for? Dissing each other's take on it? ....

...and here I am having had so much fun over the years discussing...
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Re: Pass through rock - furniture and monsters

Postby Anderas » Thursday December 25th, 2014 9:17am

Knightkrawler please. You were combining two sentences to give it a new meaning.

It will not be decided on an internet forum.
And we dont need to discuss the Details. Because the Details of how much it is RPG is decided in the gaming group and are highly depending on opinion.

I meant there is no need to challenge any ones opinion.

Please dont do that again.... be nice.

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Re: Pass through rock - furniture and monsters

Postby knightkrawler » Thursday December 25th, 2014 11:35am

I was merely lampooning the succession of the last few posts where three people misunderstood the previous poster.
Myself included. Then I misquoted you by combining two sentences into a new meaning. You're right about that.
But I didn't want to get un-nice, merely to convey how my own first clumsy interpretation of your post contorted it. My sense of humor gets the better of me sometimes as does my training in interpreting text.

I misread you to want us to stop discussing sets of experiences. I'm certainly not the only one.
A froum is a place to discuss.
A discussion is A presenting argument A, then B presenting argument B, thus challenging argument A. That's a fact and no-one should be chaperoning about what a forum is there for.
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Re: Pass through rock - furniture and monsters

Postby Jafazo » Thursday December 25th, 2014 5:34pm

I'm drinking coffee
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Re: Pass through rock - furniture and monsters

Postby Big Bene » Thursday December 25th, 2014 7:30pm

Developer 2 - "Now they're discussing discussions".
Developer 1 - "Pull the other leg!"
Have a look ;)

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Re: Pass through rock - furniture and monsters

Postby knightkrawler » Friday December 26th, 2014 3:57am

Developer 2: "Think we're being watched?"
Developer 1: "By whom?"
Developer 2: "I don't know. I keep hearing some kind of meta-giggle directly in my skull. Might be the forum members."
Developer 1: "Get out!"
Developer 2: "Call Stephen Baker! Now! He's the only one with the right answers."
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Re: Pass through rock - furniture and monsters

Postby The Admiral » Wednesday May 6th, 2015 4:43am

I have always played that the Hero cannot pass through furniture or monsters. If a Hero tries to enter an unexplored room and there is furniture or a monster on the other side of the wall, I just tell the Player that they can't move into that square. They don't lose any of their movement and can continue moving elsewhere.

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