Markus Darwath wrote:Bareheaded Warrior wrote:I think what I'm trying to say, but not very well, is that at if you stick with the original rule, then at least you are using a term "wall" which is already defined in the rulebook "The rooms are enclosed by white lines (the walls)" which is far simpler than trying to expand the rule to use "anything composed entirely of non-living rock" which is far from clearly defined...
Fair enough, but by the rules (at least implicit, if not fully explicit) regular blocked hall tiles placed on the map are also walls. The fact that they take up a whole square has more to do with the physical practicality of using a full-square tile vs trying to place thin, moveable lines on the map. In either case, a white line wall or a blocked hall tile are each perfectly capable of having either open space or solid stone behind them.
The rules state that blocked squares may represent extra walls OR a collapsed ceiling and the falling block trap is the later. It seems like the original rule didn't allow you to pass through a fallen block, but then under that rule set these could be removed using disarm under those versions, so it isn't clear to me how you are supposed to tell whether a blocked square tile already existing on the board (as opposed to triggered by a trap) is an extra wall that can be passed through or a collapsed ceiling that cannot be passed through.
Personally I never liked (and so I removed) the aspect of disarming that removes pits and fallen blocks from the board, so it makes more sense to allow pass through rock to allow passing through blocked square tiles (whatever their origin) but if you do that then why should you not be able to pass through any other "solid rock" square. I'm not looking to rock the boat here, just understand how people play this and find an approach that is simple and consistent.
So I think TheLastChaosWarrior's version* may be the better one...
1. Under the influence of this spell you may pass through solid rock squares, walls and blocked square tiles (all of which are defined terms) - change
2. The EWP placing any newly discovered room/passages as discovered (i.e. when you move onto a square adjacent to a new passage or room, then the passage or room is revealed) - no change
3. No movement through occupied squares, whether they are occupied by monsters or furniture (irrespective of the specific gravity of the material) as per standard rules - no change
4. Movement ending on a blocked square tile and/or solid rock tile = dead
*acknowledging that this is a modification of the original, as under the rules for the original HeroQuest (ft. Morcar as opposed to Zargon or Daemon King) the spell doesn't allow movement through solid rock, only walls (and potentially, arguably, blocked squares or not)
So no issue with getting stuck inside monsters or furniture, which is a plus, what about...
a) Moving through a wall that contains a (closed) door? I would allow this as a wall is a wall even if it contains a door
b) Moving through a wall that contains a (closed) secret door? I would allow this as a wall is a wall even if it contains a door
c) Handling of monsters that get revealed in an area that is blocked off by closed doors? I would allow them to open doors to get to the hero
I know all this seems "basic" and potentially stating the obvious (even "common sense" if such a concept exists) but if you read this, then go back and read the first few original posts, you can see that what we are discussing here is very different to those interpretations!
For example
knightkrawler wrote:If a hero has't used up all his movement and the EWP doesn't activate the room the hero canalways ask something like "Can I end my move here without dying?" - Answer is either "Yeah, sure", because the hero sees of course where he is, or "Well, no, try another space". There's a little gambling, hero ends his movement whenever he wants to(may even walk back; die roll is maximum of course) and I tell him if he's alive...
Simple as that. That risk comes with gambling with spells.
Templar wrote:Ethica wrote:If they end up on the same square as a monster, furniture or inside rock they die. It is the mages responsibility to have some idea where they are going to end up. Pass through rock can be used as an escape or to come to another heroes aid, if it's used as a short cut then the mage gambles with their life.
Fair enough
But if the player has squares left to move, he should at least be able to move through furniture, right? And if they take a chance and move into a room without opening a door (because it's locked or something) and there is a monster on the square on the other the player simply not allowed to move to that square then?
el_flesh wrote:It's kind of a killjoy for someone to find they've materialized in solid rock, GAME OVER.
I agree that if they have movement left Zarquon should say immediately if the room is solid or not.
As for landing on a monster or furniture, I'd simply bump the player sideways movement left or not.
The point of the game is more fun, less KILL THEM!