Re: Pass through rock - furniture and monsters
Posted: Friday July 21st, 2023 4:29am
Vorimir wrote:You can pass walls but no monsters or furniture sonyou cant enter a room if the square has a monster or furniture. Simple.
That appears simple, but is not complete. Rather like explaining to someone who wants to learn to drive that you just "need to put your foot down on the gas and turn the steering wheel" simple, but not complete.
For example it doesn't cover whether you can pass through closed doors, secret doors, blocked square tiles, it doesn't explain why you can pass through a solid stone wall but get blocked by a stone fireplace, stone tomb, or a stone gargoyle on the other side, or how the "revealing" of the contents of unexplored areas works (unless by not mentioning that you are assuming, like me, that those general rules remain unchanged)
As mentioned above I can see 2 possible, workable and more complete solutions
1) The narrow interpretation - taking the text literally with its reference to "walls" so all normal rules apply EXCEPT that the character can move through walls, the white lines on the board. So no movement through furniture, monsters or solid rock, all other general rules remain the same.
But there would still be a decision to make around "Blocked Square Tiles" as these are described (under Second Edition rules - I haven't check North American rules but this may still apply to either or both of the blocked square and/or falling block tiles as these are different tiles under NA, although the rules seem to treat them exactly the same once placed) as "These tiles show where extra walls have been built, or where a ceiling has fallen in" so these are potentially walls also. I would suggest that if a hero under the influence of the Pass through Rock spell attempts to move through a "Blocked Square Tile" the EWP would check the Quest Map as if there is open space the other side then this would could as a wall and would be permitted, if solid rock then it would could as a cave-in and be impassable.
General "reveal" rules would still remain in play, there is nothing on the card to indicate otherwise, so as soon as the player indicates that they are about to move into an unexplored area then the EWP would lay out the contents as standard, so normal movement rules regarding monsters, furniture would apply.
May also still be a decision around whether a character under the influence could attack through walls, shoot through walls, and whether they could move through closed doors (which are after all located within a wall)
This is workable but does leave the "isolated monster" issue around what the EWP can/should do with monsters revealed in rooms without the door being opened. Whilst the rulebook does state that monsters CANNOT open doors, I have always assumed that this is more of a monsters DON'T open doors, as they have no reason to, they don't know that there are heroes on the other side, and represents the heroes having the initiative, and exploring the dungeon. Obviously monsters CAN open doors, how else did they get into the rooms in the first place, so I think, in these circumstances it would be reasonable to assume that monsters WOULD open doors necessary to pursue the influenced hero.
2) The broad interpretation - if you consider not just the text on the card but the broader context of the card, the name of the spell "Pass through Rock" and the fact that it is an Earth elemental spell* then a broader interpretation could make sense.
This would allow the character under the influence to pass through any and all solid matter, walls, blocked square tiles, solid rock, doors, furniture, monsters and so on.
General "reveal" rules would still remain in play, there is nothing on the card to indicate otherwise, so as soon as the player indicates that they are about to move into an unexplored area then the EWP would lay out the contents as standard.
This is workable but still leaves the same "isolated monster" issue around what the EWP can/should do with monsters revealed in rooms without the door being opened, options above.
I think I prefer the broader interpretation on balance, but might amend, to resolve the "isolated monster" issue.
*Elementary My Dear Watson
In the world of HeroQuest, as in our own world in ages past, all matter was seen as being composed of varying proportions of only four (generally, some have a fifth - aether or void, that the other elements sit in) elements earth, water, air (or wind), fire. Search for "Classical Elements" on a search engine of your choice for more details.
These represent, amongst other things, the four states of matter earth - solid, water - liquid, air (or wind) - gas and fire - plasma, so the Earth element represents the property of solidity, that which prevents things from passing though it, unlike water, air or fire, in all matter in varying proportions.
Veil of Mist
As others have stated this second option does leave Veil of Mist feeling underpowered but not all spells must be equally powerful, perhaps boosting Veil of Mist is the answer here, a hero veiled in mist can pass unchallenged through squares occupied by monsters, perhaps the mist would hinder his opponents ability to attack, so he would get a defend boost counting any shield as a shield whilst under the influence, or just getting an extra defend die, or simply cannot be attacked that turn, or maybe the solution is for the spell to last longer than a single round, until a double is rolled on the movement dice maybe...