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Pass through rock - furniture and monsters

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Re: Pass through rock - furniture and monsters

Postby knightkrawler » Tuesday June 2nd, 2015 8:28am

Yes, when playing the original rules.
Forgot to post my changes:

There are two ways for a figure to die. It either has 0 body points or 0 mind points.
When a hero discards their last body point or mind point token, they die. They can then only be saved immediately

- with a spell or skill; this must be the very next action the hero whose next turn it is takes;
- or by being given a potion; this must be the very next side action the hero whose next turn it is takes. The hero giving the potion must be adjacent to the hero he wants to save.

If none of these two opportunities can be taken, the hero is dead and the figure put face down in the square it last occupied.

The dead hero is not in line of sight of anyone, so skills and spells don't work.
I am however thinking about making it possible to have two Pass Through Rock spells, both worded as above, but with this added:

Discarding another Pass Through Rock spell allows the target to immediately move back to the last defined square they were in.

EDIT: I did conclude the additional sentence for the eventuality of
- one hero having two PTR at his disposal
- the hero having a second PTR thorugh an effect like an artefact or another spell
- the first PTR being cast on a figure who has one of their own
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Re: Pass through rock - furniture and monsters

Postby Figomurphy » Monday February 27th, 2017 6:37pm

When a player passes through rock into another room should you not reveal the contents of that room immediatly? Then he can move back out if he wants to. A player could reveal the contents of 3 rooms in one turn if he uses it right? Or do you just reveal the rom he stops in?

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Re: Pass through rock - furniture and monsters

Postby j_dean80 » Monday February 27th, 2017 7:01pm

Figomurphy wrote:When a player passes through rock into another room should you not reveal the contents of that room immediatly? Then he can move back out if he wants to. A player could reveal the contents of 3 rooms in one turn if he uses it right? Or do you just reveal the rom he stops in?

I always revealed only the room or corridor where the Hero stopped. More likely that way to trap them in solid rock. If they could see every area they passed through then they would know where to stop giving them a large advantage. I believe revealing a room should be left to the Genie.
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Re: Pass through rock - furniture and monsters

Postby cynthialee » Monday February 27th, 2017 7:46pm

The group I play with have always used pass through stone as a room scouting device, or as an escape plan for the wizard. As an intel gathering spell it has served the heroes well.
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Re: Pass through rock - furniture and monsters

Postby mitchiemasha » Monday February 27th, 2017 9:31pm

I always revealed only the room or corridor where the Hero stopped. More likely that way to trap them in solid rock. If they could see every area they passed through then they would know where to stop giving them a large advantage. I believe revealing a room should be left to the Genie.

I disagree. The room should be revealed the 1st square they are on not passing through things. Although I'd happily have them step out of a cupboard or off a table.

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Re: Pass through rock - furniture and monsters

Postby Showdown35 » Tuesday February 28th, 2017 2:34pm

j_dean80 wrote:I always revealed only the room or corridor where the Hero stopped. More likely that way to trap them in solid rock. If they could see every area they passed through then they would know where to stop giving them a large advantage. I believe revealing a room should be left to the Genie.

I understand that as the EWP you want to make things tough for the heroes, but why is "giving them a large advantage" a bad thing when it a spell they are casting?? I believe the use of Pass Through Rock should be encouraged, and the whole, getting stuck in solid rock rule is mostly there to add risk in getting too ambitious when exploring the unknown.

Thinking of it in "real life" terms, the Hero using the spell becomes incorporeal for a time, but does not go blind, so why shouldn't the room they see be reveled?

In game logistics, when the heroes move around the dungeon, their movement is interrupted to reveal the rooms/corridors as they are seen, and not when they end their movement. The spell just allows altered movement rules, but does not alter the way rooms/corridors are revealed.
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Re: Pass through rock - furniture and monsters

Postby Goblin-King » Tuesday February 28th, 2017 4:17pm

Gotta join the chorus here. There are several threads on how to improve the wizard. Punishing spellcasting is not the way to go.

The genie has the advantage (if you REALLY want to waste it on discovering a room) that you can point at any room on the board - where PTR is limited to the roll of the red dice.
Speaking of the genie... Has anybody ever created quests where there are optional rooms with locked doors that can only be used by a genie spell?

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Re: Pass through rock - furniture and monsters

Postby j_dean80 » Tuesday February 28th, 2017 7:32pm

I understand that most on here do not agree with my take on the game for most points. It is however my take and I do not try to force it on anyone but merely state it for a comparison.

I like the idea of a "Genie enter only room" or even take it farther to a doorless room that can only be accessed by pass through rock. Could have a special treasure in it for a spellcaster along with a pass through rock spell scroll to get back out.
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Re: Pass through rock - furniture and monsters

Postby cynthialee » Tuesday February 28th, 2017 11:47pm

I use the door that can only be opened from the other side. That is to say a pass through rock will be needed to enter.
Some doors can only be opened by the Genie, or a Barbarian. (to open such doors the barbarian must roll max Body Points looking for a Black Shield. If he passes or fails he takes a Body Point.)
Some doors will require a key, which will be discovered typically on a named monster in the dungeon.
Some doors I have used require a Dwarf with a tool kit to open. (or the genie) He rolls his Mind Points plus 2 or 4 dice depending on the locks difficulty, looking for a black shield.
Some doors will only open if two spell caster work together chanting mystic phrases in concert for 2 turns. Of course both must be near the door, and often the room is attacked by monsters who try and stop the spell casters.
Some doors will require a triggering event somewhere else in the dungeon.

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Re: Pass through rock - furniture and monsters

Postby knightkrawler » Wednesday March 1st, 2017 3:44am

j_dean80 wrote:I understand that most on here do not agree with my take on the game for most points. It is however my take and I do not try to force it on anyone but merely state it for a comparison.

I like the idea of a "Genie enter only room" or even take it farther to a doorless room that can only be accessed by pass through rock. Could have a special treasure in it for a spellcaster along with a pass through rock spell scroll to get back out.

The last quest of my Caellar's Caer has a room (Q) where the heroes find the exit keys.
Guessing the overall layout of tiles leads them to using a Pass through Rock spell to fall behind the endboss and attack him from both sides.
There's a second door in that room that cannot be opened, pointing in the direction, and then there's 4 squares of solid nothingness to cross.
If the heroes have found the exit before that room, they have to go back and can easily guess from the tile layout where they can go and what to find.
In later quests, I can be more creative and these solutions more difficult

The spell decks for my Adept and Wizard heroes have multiple Pass Through Walls card specimen for one hero to pick at least two.
They can also be found as scrolls.
I want to encourage spellcasting in general and Pass Through Walls specifically. When playing modular and available more than once, this is a great opportunity for the heroes to come up with creative solutions.

Note my rewording to Pass Through Walls.
The spell is rewritten in such a way that it can be used unambiguously the way it was intended in vanilla HQ, which is the way I have laid out in this thread.
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