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Postby Bareheaded Warrior » Sunday December 10th, 2023 3:11pm

SirRick wrote:
Purchases: 3 Crossbows, 3 Helmets, 2 Shields, 3 Tool Kits, 2 Battle Axes, 1 Chain Mail, and 2 Bracers (4,975 gold total)

Found: 2 Staves (if you count the Staff Grak is said to be holding. The App does not give you this staff), 1 Shield

Gold on hand: 1,426

Treasure Deck Potions: 30 Healing Potions, 10 Heroic Brews, 5 Strength Potions, 5 Defense Potions

Other: 1 of the 4-point healing potions from the quest notes, all the Artifacts

Is it possible on the App to set it so that you just allow 1 treasure search per room?

An average of 10 rooms per quest so 40 searches just ruins the game for me, it means the difficulty of a quest is basically determined by the number of wandering monster cards drawn, especially when they aren't just a goblin, and you end up with so much equipment and potions that it just gets silly and too easy (like your example of stacking 2 strength potions and a heroic brew) and how can the EWP be expected to kill heroes when they have 30 Healing potions, that is over a 100 extra BP!

Incidentally you only need to shuffle the treasure deck at the start of the game and then when a "bad" card is returned to the deck so you are always drawing from a shuffled deck.
:skull: = white skull, one "hit"
:blackshield: = black skull, one "hit"
:whiteshield: = shield, cancels out one "hit"

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Postby SirRick » Sunday December 10th, 2023 4:58pm

I always imagined the heroes live and train at Mentor’s place. While he is allied with the empire (or kingdom), I feel he is a separate entity. Sort of like Gandalf, he frequently helps out, but often has his own stuff to do. I always imagined that Mentor has a little tower where he does wizard stuff, and a courtyard the heroes train in, as well as a barracks and a kitchen and mess hall, etc.

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Postby SirRick » Sunday December 10th, 2023 5:23pm

Bareheaded Warrior wrote:
SirRick wrote:
Purchases: 3 Crossbows, 3 Helmets, 2 Shields, 3 Tool Kits, 2 Battle Axes, 1 Chain Mail, and 2 Bracers (4,975 gold total)

Found: 2 Staves (if you count the Staff Grak is said to be holding. The App does not give you this staff), 1 Shield

Gold on hand: 1,426

Treasure Deck Potions: 30 Healing Potions, 10 Heroic Brews, 5 Strength Potions, 5 Defense Potions

Other: 1 of the 4-point healing potions from the quest notes, all the Artifacts

Is it possible on the App to set it so that you just allow 1 treasure search per room?

An average of 10 rooms per quest so 40 searches just ruins the game for me, it means the difficulty of a quest is basically determined by the number of wandering monster cards drawn, especially when they aren't just a goblin, and you end up with so much equipment and potions that it just gets silly and too easy (like your example of stacking 2 strength potions and a heroic brew) and how can the EWP be expected to kill heroes when they have 30 Healing potions, that is over a 100 extra BP!

Incidentally you only need to shuffle the treasure deck at the start of the game and then when a "bad" card is returned to the deck so you are always drawing from a shuffled deck.

As far as I know, there is no way to change how many searches are allowed per room, except the app does keep track who searched each room, since each hero is allowed only one treasure search per room.

When you draw a bad card, you are supposed to shuffle before drawing again for the possibility of drawing the same card again in the next search. If the card is simply at the bottom of the deck, there is no way to draw it again on the next search. That implies to me you have to shuffle each time a hero is supposed to draw (which is very tedious). It could be different in the original versions of the game.

While 30 healings potions is a lot, I am assuming they will all get used up during the Frozen Horror and Mage of the Mirror quests. I’m 3 quests into KK right now, and so far up to this point (GS and KK) the quests have been fairly challenging, but that is because I am trying to avoid using healing potions at all costs. Eventually when I get to the FH and MotM, I want to see how much of these resources I have to use to survive.
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Postby j_dean80 » Sunday December 10th, 2023 6:24pm

SirRick wrote:I always imagined the heroes live and train at Mentor’s place. While he is allied with the empire (or kingdom), I feel he is a separate entity. Sort of like Gandalf, he frequently helps out, but often has his own stuff to do. I always imagined that Mentor has a little tower where he does wizard stuff, and a courtyard the heroes train in, as well as a barracks and a kitchen and mess hall, etc.

This sounds like a good thread on its own.
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Postby Kurgan » Sunday December 10th, 2023 6:48pm

SirRick wrote:Eventually when I get to the FH and MotM, I want to see how much of these resources I have to use to survive.


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Postby Kurgan » Monday December 11th, 2023 2:38pm

Update just came through!

2.0 (12/11/23) HeroQuest players, we continue to update the Companion App to include recently released game content. This update now includes the Quest Set: Prophecy of Telor, the Online Quest: Knight Fall and the Monk Character. Your ongoing adventures await!

I see that Knightfall has red "fog of war" (despite being attached to ROTDM which has violet/pink fog of war, just like MOTM in the App, for reference Frozen Horror/Into the Northlands have blue fog and the rest have green fog). PoT has red fog.

Monk's Elemental Styles have a new category (in the place where magic spells would be for other heroes). No card images are shown and half the cards just say follow instructions).

The Wandering Monk is present and looks the same as the released cards (no mention of "metal").

Still no ROTDM style Knight and no Rogar's Hall...

Errata still remains (Bard still begins with a dagger and his Rapier looks like it only hits diagonals in the attack description, etc).

Knightfall appears to be there automatically but PoT has to be downloaded inside the app.

"Use Special" section has been updated for each hero. PoT will use "Talisman Spell" for example.

Edit: I was mistaken, SQT is NOT in there yet.
Last edited by Kurgan on Wednesday December 13th, 2023 12:43pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Kurgan » Monday December 11th, 2023 7:33pm

Noticing a lot of potential errata in the new app (sorry guys who worked so hard on it!). Since I'm using BlueStacks and not a device originally intended for it, can anyone else confirm?

Potential spoilers:

Hire Mercenaries in ROTDM Quest 4...
Try to have them pick up anything. There seems to be something wrong with the keys you find in this quest.

Veil of Mist / Dust of Disappearance / Cloak of Shadows "use artifacts" SHOULD allow a character to pass through enemies. It doesn't work.
Elven Cloak of Passage still doesn't allow passage through stone blocks (it should work just like Pass Through Rock/Scroll which CAN do this).

I did witness monsters using "hit and run" tactics, on just the regular settings! So a dread warrior (or magus guard) will attack an adjacent hero then run away (his full movement) to let another monster get in there to attack, instead of just blocking the way like before.

The App often refers to the Magus Guards (whether in the text or voice) as "Magus Knights" (which sounds cool so I don't mind).

Disguises in Rise of the Dread Moon don't follow the rules in the Quest book, in the app. Drinking potions or using smoke bombs or caltrops also forfeits the disguise (and the Monk's Elemental Styles do as well, but maybe you could consider them close to "loud magic" I suppose).

I haven't checked to see if you can win ROTDM Quest 2 without cheating (in the last version I had to use Pass Through Rock to get into the final room).
Last edited by Kurgan on Monday December 11th, 2023 10:43pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby SirRick » Monday December 11th, 2023 10:03pm

I use the app on my phone, and I don’t see any of this updated stuff. Am I doing something wrong? Is there a way to manually update?

Edit: I figured it out. You have to go to the app store and find the app in question, then there is a button to update the app to the current version.

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Postby Kurgan » Monday December 11th, 2023 10:47pm

You are correct SirRick. Some things are missing from the app versions of quests... the pdf of Knightfall has some goofy extra RPG lite elements in it (like introducing yourself to your fellow heroes in character), but also adds little tweaks or changes here and there (ROTDM says you can't shop after Quest 2, despite the book lacking that instruction).

I enjoy the extra illustrations and little flavor text for big "events" in each quest. The banter from Zargon gets old but the narration is pretty good. It's not just all the pathfinding and such that they have to worry about, they had to get voice acting and the new illustrations out there too, it's no wonder we don't get a major update for 2-4 months. That said, hopefully we won't have to wait that long for SQT. Lacking the cool new Knight design isn't that big a deal since we have the old Knight who is identical, BUT it would seem like one of those things they could easily add since it's just an image swap.

Bring on Rogar's Hall!

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Postby Bareheaded Warrior » Wednesday December 13th, 2023 4:12am

SirRick wrote:When you draw a bad card, you are supposed to shuffle before drawing again for the possibility of drawing the same card again in the next search. If the card is simply at the bottom of the deck, there is no way to draw it again on the next search. That implies to me you have to shuffle each time a hero is supposed to draw (which is very tedious). It could be different in the original versions of the game.

Yes, but no.

Yes you do need to shuffle before drawing again for the possibility of drawing the same card again in the next search, but you achieve that by shuffling the deck at the start of the game and after a "bad" card is returned. This ensures that you are always drawing from a shuffled deck, i.e. you have always shuffled before drawing. The original wording is a little ambiguous, but states that you should shuffle before drawing, this method is the most efficient way of meeting that requirement of shuffling after you return a "bad" card and therefore before you (next) draw, so you have always shuffled before drawing a card, without having to shuffle each time you draw which is a waste of time.

The sequence (1) return bad card, (2) shuffle deck, (3) draw next card, could accurately be described as shuffle after you return bad card because (2) comes after (1), or shuffle before you draw, because (2) comes before (3) but rather like dancing with a bear, it matters where you put the pause!
:skull: = white skull, one "hit"
:blackshield: = black skull, one "hit"
:whiteshield: = shield, cancels out one "hit"

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