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Hunting the Unreleased Quests

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Hunting the Unreleased Quests

Postby wallydubbs » Thursday November 29th, 2018 3:49pm

The Admiral wrote:Something clearly happened. The Wizard Quest pack was finished and work done on the Dwarf pack. Then it all stopped :(

I am very curious regarding this wizard quest pack you speak of. I feel the Wizard was never given an adequate roll. He was always there to suppor the other heroes but never got to play a detrimental part of the quests.

Well, I put this much research into it so far, I'm tempted to do some fieldwork... I can't contact Milton Bradley, it doesn't exist anymore, but it was subsumed by Hasbro Games in 2009. It's a longshot, but not impossible for someone to still be around that worked on it. The production center in Springfield was moved to East Longmeadow, still in Massachusetts. I am one state away, maybe one of these weekends I'll take a drive.

Where did you hear about this mythical Wizard's Quest Pack? Nothing is really coming up on my searches...
Last edited by Daedalus on Monday November 29th, 2021 10:00am, edited 4 times in total.
Reason: split topic from Failed to playtest topic at the Frozen Horror room

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Re: Failed to playtest

Postby lestodante » Thursday November 29th, 2018 4:44pm

Read this... but it is no more updated since 2011:

Also there is a guy on Boardgamegeek, SkyKnight, who owns the concept miniatures of Barbarian and Elf Quest Packs (they are "4ups" the original miniatures) because he has some friends working at Hasbro...
He sayd he also own the Wizard Quest Pack but since it is copyrighted, he can't talk or show anything:
http://oldscratch.smackwell.com/cgi-bin ... 21433207/0

Anyway, I don't think the image by Donald L. Kueker posted by Toco representing the 2 wizards fighting each others was really intended to be used for the Wizrad Quest Pack. None of the painted characters has any reference with HeroQuest.

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Re: Failed to playtest

Postby wallydubbs » Friday November 30th, 2018 8:38am

Fantastic Lestodante! Thank you for bringing forth this information. This article provides some of the names of who was involved in the American designs; doesn't answer the why the question entirely.

It seems like there were intentions to make a quest pack specifically for all 4 characters but somewhere along the line the project was cut short and abandoned. Copyright laws can last over 100 years... presumably the copyright is owned by Milton Bradley, now Hasbro Games. It's their product, they have the rights to release it or not... now I'm just looking for the why.

As you said, it was last updated 7 years ago... it might be time somebody gets back on the case.

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Re: Failed to playtest

Postby lestodante » Friday November 30th, 2018 1:47pm

You can also have a look at this: https://boardgamegeek.com/image/659350/ ... quest-pack
(I sent a couple of messages yesterday and today too)

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Re: Failed to playtest

Postby wallydubbs » Sunday December 2nd, 2018 1:30am

lestodante wrote:You can also have a look at this: https://boardgamegeek.com/image/659350/ ... quest-pack
(I sent a couple of messages yesterday and today too)

That's really great of you for sticking up for him lestodante; I would agree, I think a lot of people on here would donate to pay the copyright infringement just to get a look at these quest packs (myself included).
However, by the looks of it Skyknight's trail goes cold in 2013... it might take a bit of effort to get ahold of him.

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Re: Failed to playtest

Postby lestodante » Sunday December 2nd, 2018 6:48am

but maybe Toco and Malechi are friends of him and they can intermediate. ;)
Both of them are active and also replied to my posts.

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Re: Failed to playtest

Postby wallydubbs » Thursday December 6th, 2018 12:13pm

So, apparently, Hasbro doesn't own the trademark for Heroquest anymore. It's own by Moon Design... I guess they're the ones that might sue him.
A couple years back, Gamezone attempted to create and release HeroQuest 25th Anniversary edition, as they own the trademark in Spain. Moon Design threw infringement charges at them, demanding proof that Hasbro sold the rights to them and a percentage of the proceeds.

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Re: Failed to playtest

Postby Maurice76 » Thursday December 6th, 2018 2:25pm

I guess the question is now, is Moon Design going to do anything with the brand anymore at all? I mean, owning the IP is one thing, but putting it on the shelf just to collect dust instead of polishing the game and releasing new content again? And then moan about someone else trying to create something that infringes on the IP?

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Re: Failed to playtest

Postby wallydubbs » Thursday December 6th, 2018 4:12pm

In Trademark language HeroQuest is just a name; what they do with it can be completely different then its origin. Much like when Milton Bradley first released the Elf Quest Pack; the term "Elf Quest" was already trademarked by Warp Graphics, they were sued and forced to change it to "Quest Pack for the Elf." Despite the fact that there was no relation at all.
In like manner Moon Design has published several books in regards to roll playing. They use the words (or Trademark) "Hero Quest" as a mere sequel to Glorantha. Whilst a fantasy world still, it has no relation to the game this site is based off of. In other words "HeroQuest" is only words to them. They have no intention to reproduce the game, because it now applies to their game.

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Re: Failed to playtest

Postby Maurice76 » Thursday December 6th, 2018 4:58pm

That's a shame, to be honest.

As a streak of irony: Sierra released a game in 1989, who's original title was "Hero's Quest", but they failed to trademark it - which promptly saw Milton Bradley do so for their now famous boardgame. Sierra was forced to rename their game to "Quest for Glory" instead.

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