The Admiral wrote:Something clearly happened. The Wizard Quest pack was finished and work done on the Dwarf pack. Then it all stopped
I am very curious regarding this wizard quest pack you speak of. I feel the Wizard was never given an adequate roll. He was always there to suppor the other heroes but never got to play a detrimental part of the quests.
Well, I put this much research into it so far, I'm tempted to do some fieldwork... I can't contact Milton Bradley, it doesn't exist anymore, but it was subsumed by Hasbro Games in 2009. It's a longshot, but not impossible for someone to still be around that worked on it. The production center in Springfield was moved to East Longmeadow, still in Massachusetts. I am one state away, maybe one of these weekends I'll take a drive.
Where did you hear about this mythical Wizard's Quest Pack? Nothing is really coming up on my searches...