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Make a small donation to Ye Olde Inn!
Every cent received goes toward Ye Olde Inn's maintenance and allows us to continue providing the best resources for HeroQuest and Fantasy Gaming fans.
Daedalus wrote:One thing I especially like to see are the tiles for the HQ furniture. Quest makers sometimes call for extras of these in their creations, so your files provide a simple and economical solution that stores nicely.
Anderas wrote:Wow I just spent one hour downloading all the tiles that you have put into this thread!
Je les adore, ils sont super. Merci Valnar! Si t'es autour de Toulouse, n'hesite pas me voir, on peut fair un jeu ensembles si tu veux.
Daedalus wrote:Your bed is a bit dark, which works great for a dungeon. Do you plan on making any tiles for an Inn?
[Found them in another of your topics here. -edit]
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