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My expanded HQ set!

PostPosted: Friday September 18th, 2020 11:26am
by hombreimaginario
Expanding my HQ, part 1.

Plastic Dark Elf Sorceress I had in a forgotten little box at the bottom of a closet (originally from Warhammer and/or Talisman as far as I know) + 3D-printed beastmen with spears (modified from the BattleMasters original, I've been told).


I'm planning for her to be sort of an "unlockable" boss. Once defeated, she may be used as a hero, with some restrictions dark elves are bad guys and whatnot :)

HQ bases are 3D-printed too (not cannibalizing original minis for this).
Painted by

Re: Expanding my HQ

PostPosted: Friday September 18th, 2020 1:45pm
by Spookyhappyfun
Those look fantastic!

Re: Expanding my HQ

PostPosted: Saturday September 19th, 2020 5:25am
by hombreimaginario
Spookyhappyfun wrote:Those look fantastic!

Thank you! I'll post more in the next few days :)

Re: Expanding my HQ

PostPosted: Monday September 21st, 2020 5:33am
by hombreimaginario
Expanding my HQ, part 2.

Plastic Witch Elf (Warhammer Quest hero/adventurer I got in an assorted box) + 3D printed beastmen with bows (modified from BattleMasters original).


Just like the sorceress, my idea is she will be a character to beat and then you can choose her as a hero or mercenary.

Again, HQ bases are 3D-printed too.
Painted by

I'll take better photos once I set up the game and place them on the board :lol:

Re: Expanding my HQ

PostPosted: Tuesday September 22nd, 2020 6:00pm
by hombreimaginario




Re: Expanding my HQ

PostPosted: Wednesday September 30th, 2020 6:27am
by hombreimaginario
Chaos day!



I never liked how the wings look on the back (sort of like, hey, we're just glued here) so I asked my painter friend to cover the center with something (I had originally covered it with green stuff and painted it as if it was hair)



Chaos wizard hanging out with the beastmen from my previous posts... Soon there will be a beastman shaman too :)


Re: My expanded HQ set!

PostPosted: Wednesday September 30th, 2020 8:25am
by Spookyhappyfun
That is some fantastic work! I love the colors and the custom minis.

Re: My expanded HQ set!

PostPosted: Wednesday September 30th, 2020 8:51am
by Mophus
Good colour choice and glow effects! :bites-lip: must resist to do my own Skeletor Chaos Wizard. :bites-lip:

Re: My expanded HQ set!

PostPosted: Thursday October 1st, 2020 9:15am
by hombreimaginario
Fimirs, according to classic lore, may be found in a variety of environments, and their skin colour will vary accordingly. This was a perfect excuse to paint them in different ways, instead of just being "goblinoids with tails":


One weapon was replaced in order to make him the occasional leader, sort of like the orc lord. As you can see, his bracelets and belt are golden instead of silver as the regular orcs, and his skin tone is slightly more intense:


Modified sword + plain old shield = goblin wannabe boss:


Re: My expanded HQ set!

PostPosted: Thursday October 1st, 2020 10:20am
by cornixt
Such good paintjobs - on models that still have moudlines.