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HeroQuest Chess

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HeroQuest Chess

Postby b_0 » Monday September 11th, 2023 8:24pm

Has anyone made a chess set with Heroquest &/or Battle Masters miniatures?
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Re: HeroQuest Chess

Postby HispaZargon » Friday September 15th, 2023 8:10pm

Yes, I 'recently' mentioned it here, at 14th/May/2023. Here you have the transcription of such post:

HispaZargon wrote:
Count Mohawk wrote:
cynthialee wrote:A Hero Quest Chess set would be rather spiffy....
just an idea.....

Now this is an idea I can get behind! I am a sometimes collector of chess sets; a Hero Quest chess set would just be icing on the cake.

What would be the pieces? Probably something like:
Pawns: Men-at-Arms (white; 4 kinds) or Goblins and Orcs (black; 4 kinds total)
Knights: Imperial Knights (white; 2 kinds) or Skeleton and Zombie (black)
Bishops: The Wizard and The Elf (white) or Fimir and Mummy (black)
Rooks: The Dwarf and The Barbarian (white) or Chaos Warriors (black)
Queen: Mentor (white) or The Witch Lord or The Gargoyle (black)
King: The Emperor, or Prince Magnus (white) or Morcar/Zargon (black)

Today on HeroQuest Fans Twitch channel we were vaguely talking about creating a HeroQuest Chess would be a great idea, and we started to think about which HeroQuest characters should represent each type of Chess piece.

Really kind to see that this idea was already though in the past here in the Inn, during Summer 2015 |_P |_P

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Re: HeroQuest Chess

Postby b_0 » Saturday September 16th, 2023 12:28pm

I'm not sure what I think about some of those choices. I think it should be recognizable as chess.

I'm torn between chaos warriors and BM wolf riders for knights, so much so that I think there may need to be more than two factions:

A chaos set with undead pawns(4 skeletons, 2 zombies, 2 mummies), chaos warrior knights, fimir or BM beastmen bishops, sorcerer king, gargoyle queen, tower-esque fortification with BM chaos archers for rooks.

A green skin set with goblin pawns, BM wolf rider knights, orc bishops, fimir or orc wizard king, BM ogre queen, torture rack rooks

A hero set with met at arms pawns(melee weapons only), BM knight or lord for knights (though a rearing horse pose would be nice), elf henchmen for bishops, tower-esque fortification with BM archers or crossbowmen for rooks. Kings and queens could be the male and female hero variants. So you can play as barbarian king/queen, elf king/queen, etc.

Has anyone made a chess board with heroquest tiles? Maybe have rooms depicted in the corners where the king enters his castle.
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