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[KS] Battle System's "Maladum" : Dungeon miniature skirmish

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[KS] Battle System's "Maladum" : Dungeon miniature skirmish

Postby ced1106 » Saturday April 1st, 2023 1:02am

Need another dungeoncrawler? Well, Maladum isn't a dungeoncrawler. It's a fantasy skirmish miniatures game, where your intrepid heroes complete an objective each scenario. And, since it's solo / coop, you can play the heroes for once!

More importantly, the separate dungeon terrain pledge is just that, a separate pledge that has dungeon terrain -- walls and terrain -- that you can build that 3D HeroQuest board without cutting, painting, and all that other stuff someone *else* thinks is fun. (: I'm bugging Battle Systems for an actual HQ setup. So I'm not sure if you can create a standard HQ board, but I think there's enough walls and such that you can build the individual quests. First pic is the 79L dungeon terrain pledge, second is the 45L "Vaults of Enveron" add-on (which comes with the Maladum game set).



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Re: [KS] Battle System's "Maladum" : Dungeon miniature skirm

Postby BroccoliRage » Sunday April 16th, 2023 6:17pm

Holy hell, I want it!

Is this available for purchase yet?

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Re: [KS] Battle System's "Maladum" : Dungeon miniature skirm

Postby QorDaq » Sunday April 16th, 2023 7:37pm

BroccoliRage wrote:Holy hell, I want it!

Is this available for purchase yet?

The Kickstarter just closed on the 5th... Historically this Company (Battle Systems) sells most everything in one form or another from their KS projects... Albeit at an increased cost.

Depending on where you live in the world, availability varies, but I've seen plenty of their stuff at both Miniature Market and on Amazon.
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