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Every cent received goes toward Ye Olde Inn's maintenance and allows us to continue providing the best resources for HeroQuest and Fantasy Gaming fans.
knightkrawler wrote:It's no comparison to this:
NEW NOVEL (re-published stories from the original series)
This sends shivers down my spine, because the original magazine series was all about the freakin' art.
Fighting Fantasy still has the awesome inside black and white art by Hutchinson et al.
Goblin-King wrote:Can you believe there are versions of Discworld that does NOT use the Paul Kirby covers? Da fuk?
knightkrawler wrote:But look for the 10-book pack that includes the Warlock of Firetop Mountain and Citadel of Chaos as the first two and you have some classics. These packs go for about 20 to 40 quid.
It's the dirt cheap version I have.
In fact, buy this one if you can afford it, but research if it can get even cheaper:
knightkrawler wrote:I could count the phallic metaphors in your art the whole day long.
knightkrawler wrote:It's no comparison to this:
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