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Warhammer Quest presentation

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Warhammer Quest presentation

Postby HeroQuestFrance » Sunday February 6th, 2011 9:26am

Young brother of Advanced HeroQuest, here is Warhammer Quest boardgame and its 2 expansions :

Let's open the main box :

First the 3 books :
-1 basic rule book
-1 advanced rule book
-1 quest book

The figurines + the doors ! (someone here should recount ... :lol: )

The floor tiles for the modular board (rooms & passages) :

The character sheet part 1 :
The character sheet part 2 :

Spell cards (in solid cardboard)
There are 3 kinds : heal, attack, defence.

The other cards :
Event - Treasure - Dunjeon (when u open a door you take the first card of the deck to know what's is behind the door)

The tokens :
Traps, heroes, webs, power points of the sorceer, chance, etc

The additional treasure decks (3 in total sold separately, 50 cards each !)

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Re: Warhammer Quest presentation

Postby Ryno » Tuesday February 8th, 2011 11:58pm

oh, my Goddess, want.
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Re: Warhammer Quest presentation

Postby Sjeng » Monday August 3rd, 2015 2:45pm

mint in shrink unboxing. Jealous.
Check out my YouTube channel Boardgame Heaven, and drop me a sub please!

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Re: Warhammer Quest presentation

Postby Kurgan » Saturday March 6th, 2021 6:52pm

Sjeng wrote:
mint in shrink unboxing. Jealous.

This is the sort of thing I'd love to see done for the new HeroQuest remake with questions answered. Just wanted to say that's cool!

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Re: Warhammer Quest presentation

Postby Davane » Sunday March 7th, 2021 1:07pm

I got WHQ as soon as it was released back in 96. It was the last big box game that GW would make for a long while, as GW said that making board games just was not profitable enough. Apparently, the board components and packaging were too costly to produce, and as always, GW really saw WHQ as a way to get fans of dungeon crawlers into their miniatures games.

WHQ suffered because GW wasn't quite sure where it was going with things like Fanatic Press, and without a store presence at a time of limited internet, information on WHQ was scare and sales suffered.

GW is famous for it's board games, but GW sometimes forgets WHY they are famous for them. Every now and then, they'll have the bright idea to reprint one of their board games or other boxed games, because of "demand." The problem is that most people "demanding" the boxed games already have the original material, so what they are really after is new content, which is way more costly than reprinting old material.

It's also sad what has happened to the WHQ brand these days. It's gone a bit schizophrenic, as it seems any sort of board game will have WHQ slapped on it, regardless of the fact that they are different complete games, and quite often incompatible with each other in terms of tones and mechanics...
"The HeroQuest World is loosely based on the Warhammer World which is the copyright of Games Workshop and is used by their permission."

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Re: Warhammer Quest presentation

Postby perkypat123 » Friday October 1st, 2021 12:56pm

Davane wrote:I got WHQ as soon as it was released back in 96. It was the last big box game that GW would make for a long while, as GW said that making board games just was not profitable enough. Apparently, the board components and packaging were too costly to produce, and as always, GW really saw WHQ as a way to get fans of dungeon crawlers into their miniatures games.

WHQ suffered because GW wasn't quite sure where it was going with things like Fanatic Press, and without a store presence at a time of limited internet, information on WHQ was scare and sales suffered.

GW is famous for it's board games, but GW sometimes forgets WHY they are famous for them. Every now and then, they'll have the bright idea to reprint one of their board games or other boxed games, because of "demand." The problem is that most people "demanding" the boxed games already have the original material, so what they are really after is new content, which is way more costly than reprinting old material.

It's also sad what has happened to the WHQ brand these days. It's gone a bit schizophrenic, as it seems any sort of board game will have WHQ slapped on it, regardless of the fact that they are different complete games, and quite often incompatible with each other in terms of tones and mechanics...

I would say WHQ was pretty well supported. There were loads of Character expansions, two big box expansions, several treasure packs, 3 issues of Deathblow fan magazine, some citadel journal content, and around ten White Dwarf expansions (including new tiles etc).

This is more than quite a lot of their other big box games of the period.

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