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A New Warhammer Quest - Shadows Over Hammerhal

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Re: A New Warhammer Quest - Shadows Over Hammerhal

Postby whitebeard » Monday September 17th, 2018 7:56am

gootchute wrote:
whitebeard wrote:It has character leveling, which I do not care for. Why does this mechanic have so much traction... lack of originality.

I gotta disagree, the leveling in the new WHQ games is actually quite original...

You just described Silver Tower. And I too do not consider that leveling in the traditional sense and I enjoyed it. Did you read the rules for Hammerhal? I did, but it was a long time ago. I was disappointed with the departure from all of the SilverTower mechanics. I'm pretty sure there are tables and stats that must be recorded and upgraded.
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Re: A New Warhammer Quest - Shadows Over Hammerhal

Postby gootchute » Monday September 17th, 2018 10:35am

I have both, and most of what I said applies to both. There are stats to track just like Silver Tower, and they are for the most part tracked with cards. Even the level is tracked with achievement cards. Silver Tower had an App for tracking things, Hammerhal gives a reference sheet to photocopy. Hey, it worked for HeroQuest right?

The rules are basically the same with a few changes:

-Gamesmaster controlled enemies

-Events spawn from destiny roll on different results.

-Ambush roll when there are no monsters on board.

-Gold, skills, treasure, and level are tracked in Hammerhal. You needed to do this in Silver Tower as well, which has no level or gold, but has amulet shards instead.

-The confusing Respite rule from Silver Tower is replaced with wounds that persist, and more traditional searching. Persistent grievous injuries encourage heroes to return to town to rest.

-The town, with fun things to explore and discover.

-White Dwarf content offers a way to crossover into Silver Tower while playing the Hammerhal campaign.

I have PDF copies of all of this if you'd like any.

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Re: A New Warhammer Quest - Shadows Over Hammerhal

Postby whitebeard » Monday September 17th, 2018 1:23pm

I did not need an app or a pencil to track anything in SilverTower and I thought this was very cool. I just threw each players cards into a ziplock bag. I want this for HQ and all you need to do is a few more cards and BP wheel counters.

If Hammerhal were like SilverTower, then player levels would be the level of the dungeon you are playing. And if each had a treasure icon you keep upon completion, then the accounting would be the same. The renown system is not leveling in Silver Tower. It lets you draw skill cards, most of which you cannot keep.

At some point I will look at Hammerhal again and keep in mind the similarities you point out. I only saw differences.
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Re: A New Warhammer Quest - Shadows Over Hammerhal

Postby gootchute » Monday September 17th, 2018 2:04pm

Yeah, if I recall correctly the number of skill cards you may keep in Silver Tower is controlled by how many amulet shards you have, for which they provide tokens. It's similar in Hammerhal, skills are limited to your level which is tied to achievement cards.

The app was pretty superfluous. Now that I think about it, so are the Hammerhal record sheets for the heroes. Gold is tracked by tokens, and everything else by cards. So you could use the same zip lock bag method. If you are going to play through it as the GM, you really should cosine the three WD articles. They add new town locations, mercenaries, side quests, and link to Silver Tower. Though it isn't clear which rules you should use where there are slight variations (healing, random events ). GM's call on this.

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Re: A New Warhammer Quest - Shadows Over Hammerhal

Postby benvoliothefirst » Tuesday September 18th, 2018 6:52am

gootchute wrote:...I have PDF copies of all of this if you'd like any.

Yes please! :)
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Re: A New Warhammer Quest - Shadows Over Hammerhal

Postby gootchute » Wednesday September 19th, 2018 9:47am

I'll have to dig up the link I found them at when I get off of work.

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Re: A New Warhammer Quest - Shadows Over Hammerhal

Postby Daedalus » Wednesday September 26th, 2018 2:53pm

gootchute wrote:. . . (So this is where I wanted to place images from the above link but they are way too big. Does anyone know how to make image thumbnails that can be clicked to expand?)

You can only do so much with the BBCode at the Inn, but there is a way to do it . . . sort of. You want to imbed the thumbnail IMAGE tags within URL tags that send you to the larger image. Here's an example I pulled from a BBCode site:

Code: Select all

(Click the thumbnail image.)

Unfortunately, the large image can't be shrunk to a thumbnail with Inn BBCode, so you gotta do that on your own with some kind of graphics-capable app or program. Then store it at Imgur or some other web-hosting site for your IMG tags.

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Re: A New Warhammer Quest - Shadows Over Hammerhal

Postby gootchute » Thursday September 27th, 2018 1:51pm

Ah OK, so you need both the thumbnail and larger image hosted someplace, no way to shrink. Thanks for the explanation.

Also this reminds me I promised a link... to some PDFs. What's the policy here on posting links to filesharing sites?

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Re: A New Warhammer Quest - Shadows Over Hammerhal

Postby Daedalus » Thursday September 27th, 2018 5:00pm

The Appropriate Content rule of the Inn doesn't specifically cover file-sharing sites. Does anyone consider such activity as morally wrong, to the point it being offensive? Rather than grapple with that, I'd point to precedent and send any file-sharing links by PM. It helps to keep things spiffy at the Inn. You're talking about GW stuff, after all.

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