I've done some adjusting to the Forum. You probable noticed that the Board Index has become smaller and subforum links now display in the forum descriptions. The Other Fantasy Games and Gaming Group Forums have been condensed. This was done so the Board Index isn't just a lengthy page of infrequently used forums. Although I'm not a fan of clutter, subforum links have been activated on many forums. This was done so deep forums are easier to get at rather than sifting through forum link after forum link, waiting for each forum page to load before delving deeper into the abyss.
Essentially, I've ranked convenience over clutter.
Another thing you may notice, if you look at the very bottom of the Board Index in the Statistics section, is the following line:
Post #1 has been made by drathe, topic #1 has been created by drathe; registered user #1 is drathe.(History)[ Milestones: 1000 | 150 | 50 ]This line is a Milestone Marker. As certain Forum Milestones are reached, they will be announced and recorded here. The History link lists past Milestones that have been achieved, and the numbers in square brackets at the end of the line, show which Milestones are coming up. Right now, the Milestone Marker displays as above. That's because this new function has only just been implemented (the past Milestones were manually added to the database). As the upcoming Milestones are reached, the Milestone Marker line will change reflecting the new Milestones and who achieved them. I hope everyone has fun with this new function as we race to be the one to achieve the next Milestone.
But the best of the best of the changes, is the ability to just click the forum row that you highlight by hovering over and voila! You're now loading that forum. No more moving the mouse over to the text title to click. Unless of course, you're moving to click a subforum link.