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PM Issue

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PM Issue

Postby tb55555 » Wednesday December 20th, 2017 8:39am

Hopefully someone can tell me what I'm doing wrong here.

I've tried to send a couple of PMs to people, but every message I send seems to get stuck hanging out in my outbox.

Am I doing something wrong? I thought after I received Champion status I would be able to send PMs.

Maybe I just missed something.

Thanks for the help.
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Re: PM Issue

Postby knightkrawler » Wednesday December 20th, 2017 10:28am

If they're in your outbox, you've successfully sent them. They haven't been read, though.
If you send me a list of these people per PM I can tell you if they have been active lately at all.
That might very well be the case, that you wrote to people who don't traffic the forums right now.
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Re: PM Issue

Postby tb55555 » Wednesday December 20th, 2017 12:40pm

Thank you knightkrawler.

I just figured out how to check when people last logged in. And none have been logged in recently.

That explains everything.

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