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Registration failure

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Registration failure

Postby Bitterman » Friday November 22nd, 2013 8:46pm

Hi, I'm trying to register, and keep getting the message "one or more of the fields is marked as spam".

I really don't know why. I'm presuming it's the anti-spambot question (though no such question shows up on the "retry" page, meaning that I have to go back and fill in all my personal details again to retry) but I'm answering them correctly as far as I know. Questions/answers so far:

One of the first two expansions - tried "Kellar's Keep" and "Return of the Witch Lord", neither lets me in.

What colour are goblins/orcs/fimirs - tried "Green", doesn't let me in.

Even to post this message it's asking me another one, about the largest miniature. I'm going to try "Gargoyle" but if that doesn't let me in... what then? How can I even join a forum that refuses to believe I'm human? Is it case sensitive and I should have said "green"? Or is it "Dark green"? How am I supposed to know that?

Is the anti-spambot question even the problem, or is it something else? "One or more of the fields is marked as spam" tells me absolutely nothing that I need to know, to solve the problem. Not impressed. (I thought the forum looked quite quiet. I guess now I know why. If I wasn't very heavily in a HeroQuest mood right now I'd just not bother jumping through stupid hoops that benefit no-one and only put off interested players).
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Re: Registration failure

Postby sajungzak » Friday November 22nd, 2013 11:43pm

Bitterman wrote: Is it case sensitive and I should have said "green"? Or is it "Dark green"? How am I supposed to know that?

You could try again, this time without caps... It worked fine for my gf just now had her create an account no problem.
this is where I've been posting my painting progress so far:

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Re: Registration failure

Postby Sjeng » Saturday November 23rd, 2013 2:56am

Maybe it flagged your name or website url as spam? What didm you fill in?
Check out my YouTube channel Boardgame Heaven, and drop me a sub please!

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Re: Registration failure

Postby Goblin-King » Saturday November 23rd, 2013 5:33am

Have you tried on another computer?
Maybe try clearing your cache and cookies? Stupid, but these things somehow magically makes things work.

I hate to be "that" guy, but we have to consider the possibility that Bitterman is not human.

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Re: Registration failure

Postby drathe » Saturday November 23rd, 2013 1:14pm


The IP address you used to enter your post above does not show up on the blacklist at stopforumspam.com, but if you tried signing up with the username bitterman, then that's the reason you couldn't get through. Bitterman is on the blacklist at stopforumspam.com.

At this point you have three options:
  1. Try signing up with a different username, then PM me once you've logged in and I can change your username to Bitterman if you really want to use it.
  2. Email me at drathe{at-sign}drathe{dot}com with the email address you want to sign up with and send me the username you want. I will create an account for you and forward a temporary password to that email.
  3. Don't sign up at all should your HeroQuest mood have passed.

Bitterman wrote:(I thought the forum looked quite quiet. I guess now I know why. If I wasn't very heavily in a HeroQuest mood right now I'd just not bother jumping through stupid hoops that benefit no-one and only put off interested players).

I understand that you may be frustrated by the anti-spam system preventing you from registering, however, these "stupid hoops that benefit no-one" actually benefit all of us here. Every second of every minute of every day there is at least one spambot attempting to register on this forum. On occasion one or two still manages to get through.

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Re: Registration failure

Postby TMU » Saturday November 23rd, 2013 1:48pm

And if you feel really this negative you can always join to Old Scratch |_P
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Re: Registration failure

Postby knightkrawler » Saturday November 23rd, 2013 2:08pm

Well, I'd like to see how this goes on.
As an awesome wise man and logical alpha-male once said, "Let's keep this one!"
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Re: Registration failure

Postby Andy P » Saturday November 23rd, 2013 8:05pm

I have now managed to register (with a different username), thank-you.

It's just a shame it couldn't tell me the reason straight up, instead of having to come and ask. But I'm in now, so I guess the end justifies the means...
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Re: Registration failure

Postby drathe » Sunday November 24th, 2013 1:48am

Andy P wrote:I have now managed to register (with a different username), thank-you.

It's just a shame it couldn't tell me the reason straight up, instead of having to come and ask. But I'm in now, so I guess the end justifies the means...

I find that strange as it seems to have been the username. Schmidt signed up a while back but it wouldn't accept his username and it told him that the username was the issue.

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Re: Registration failure

Postby Schmidt » Sunday November 24th, 2013 3:08am

It didn't tell me, I just changed stuff until it worked.
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