by Bareheaded Warrior » Monday October 24th, 2022 6:12am
I think the 'bonus' for the Elf's jump is fair enough, not essential but as you say it adds some flavour, personally I have converted all those types of tests like Disarm, Jump and others to use a red die, for example Jump would be roll a red die and get 3+ to succeed (4+ in the standard rules) and it makes bonuses and penalties easier to manage, you just add one to your roll for a +1 bonus etc.
I still have concerns with your plate armour jump rules, but feel this is opening a big can of worms, long running debates that have never really been resolved on this forum, around fixed versus variable movement for Heroes, and the Plate Mail impact on movement but without going into all that it doesn't make any sense to me that something heavy like Plate Mail armour, so heavy that it comes with its own movement penalty, should suddenly weigh less if you take it off and carry it. If anything, wearing something on your body as opposed to carrying it, makes it easier, hence ruck sacks.
The option to voluntarily fall into the second square won't end well if it is a bottomless chasm!
Thinking of your Elf jump bonus, perhaps the Plate Mail penalty would be better as a -1 penalty to jumps, instead of a one less red die when moving penalty after all when moving around the dungeon in the absence of monsters, I wouldn't expect the Heroes to be moving flat out at maximum speed, quite the opposite, I would expect they would be moving cautiously in an unfamiliar and dangerous environment so wearing heavy armour wouldn't have any significant impact on their speed, in the presence of monsters then yes fast movement would come into play, but generally you are only talking about moving a few squares, equivalent to perhaps 2-10 metre dash typically so again would plate mail really make a significant difference?
Actually the more I think about that the more I like it, Elf +1 jump tests, Plate Mail armour -1 jump tests…
Also on a separate note I think your unarmed attack rule has a flaw, the Barbarian for example unarmed combat against an Orc he would roll 3 AD, Orc would roll 4DD, but if the unarmed Barbarian then found a Dagger he would drop to 1AD and the Orc to 2DD, so the Barbarian would be less effective if armed than unarmed.
= white skull, one "hit"
= black skull, one "hit"
= shield, cancels out one "hit"
Editions: 1989 Original Edition [89], First Edition [FE] and Second Edition [SE], 1990 Remake [90], 2021 Remake [21]
HQ Golden Rules Rule Fixes based on Original 1989 HeroQuest.
HQ Common Notification System to identify squares on the board