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Make a small donation to Ye Olde Inn!
Every cent received goes toward Ye Olde Inn's maintenance and allows us to continue providing the best resources for HeroQuest and Fantasy Gaming fans.
StratosVX wrote:I remember your site. I had come across it quite a while ago but it looked like it was something still in the works so I didn't read anything in depth. I bookmarked your page and checked back a few times over the years, but it never seemed to change so I figured it had been abandoned like so many other HQ sites. I'm definitely interested in seeing what you have as you get everything back online. Now that I know the page is being worked on, I'll keep tabs on it. Welcome to the Inn!
Count Mohawk wrote:"Control Fiend" has the same rules text as "Clairvoyance", if you hadn't noticed yet.
Also, welcome to Ye Olde Inn, Slev! I'm surprised you hadn't made it over here already! I thought you had an account and just lurked for years or something. I assume Old Scratch's frequent outages have something to do with your translocation?
Daedalus wrote:It's great you're using Dropbox. Unfortunately, the rules seem to be removed or deleted. I'm guessing they are pretty much the same as those from the 4-shared account.
Daedalus wrote:Thanks, Slev. A quick note, p.7, paragraph 3 has Evil Wizard player. I like how you capitalized the name as a keyword.
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