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Binding my own Quest books, what should I include?

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Binding my own Quest books, what should I include?

Postby Macula » Monday July 22nd, 2024 5:46am

So, Having bought all the official new releases to date, I decided to bind all the quest books into a single tome, which looks awesome, with a leather cover, and 3d printed spine and corner decoration. However, since it's DONE, I'm going to approach delthrak and dawn in a slightly different way.
Creating my own internal signatures in A4 using the support PDFs. Of course, these two expansions are only going to give me two signatures (each individual sleeve of pages that are bound into a book), and really, I need 10. I have made one signature as a test, using forever murky tombs, and an edited version of Wizards of Morcar, using the existing dread spells and dread magic wielders, BUT.. with this, and the two new official releases, this will be 3. I can set the 4 online official quests, just to have them, but i'm really looking for 6 more highly reccomended fan created quest packs to type set, print, saddle stitch, and bind into a loretome.

TL:DR Please reccomend me your favourite fanquests which don't rely too heavily on new mechanics or proxy figures..



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Re: Binding my own Quest books, what should I include?

Postby Macula » Thursday July 25th, 2024 6:22pm

Really? Nobody’s got a “well this sets a really fun intro to home brew” recommendation?

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Re: Binding my own Quest books, what should I include?

Postby MonsterMotor » Friday July 26th, 2024 12:19pm

TL:DR Please reccomend me your favourite fanquests which don't rely too heavily on new mechanics or proxy figures..

Maybe an important question is: what do you intend to do with your tome with 10 quest series based on old HQ mechanics? Have it resting on your shelf and look at it from time to time, or do you intend to bring everything inside to the table? I wonder which of the official quest series you played through already and how you and your group liked them? That might give a hint to the people what to recommend you. Alternatively, you might as well wait until there are 10 official quest packs, since the game is still officially in live development.

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Re: Binding my own Quest books, what should I include?

Postby Macula » Saturday July 27th, 2024 11:55am

Well, I will be playing them, but having projects like this are good for my mental health, so if by the time I get to the end of my making, drawing, and binding individual signatures, it looks like there’s scope for more adventures, then I may hold back delthrak for the next book, and change how many I put in each tome.im looking for modern HQ stuff rather than classic, but yes.
Whilst we have trepidations about the upcoming reveals at gem on (because Hasbro aren’t just talking about AI for covers and art, Cocks absolutely sold on the whole AI=profit thing), I personally feel ATOH wrapped up an era of HQ. Whether the CYOA era remains feeling as solid? We’ll have to see, but with all the quests on Hasbro’s page, and phoenix’s archive neatly falling into a single 10 sheet signature, I did want to try putting some more fan created content in.
Now here’s the absolute tragedy. I’ve still to play a single game. I lost a lot of local friends (and a big proportion of myself) during Covid, and the majority of my hq friends live scattered to the four winds. So, I LIKE the fact that if I do have friends over for a weekend, maybe we can play Slave City, rather than the stuff they’ve played at home, or drop all their raised at home heroes into a wizards of Morcar game, and se how few mercenaries we can hire. I’m doing what I can updating mechanics as I go along, all of which I think help me understand how to Dm the game, and I’m writing notes on 5 planned quests based on the universal monsters, which I’d like to publish for Halloween.

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Re: Binding my own Quest books, what should I include?

Postby MonsterMotor » Monday July 29th, 2024 4:22pm

Sorry to hear about your situation. However, in this case the only thing I can recommend you is to forget about fanmade stuff and really start playing the base game and a few official expansions. If you do not have a local group, consider joining people who play HQ via the internet. There is plenty of good official material to go through before one needs to include homemade stuff.

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Re: Binding my own Quest books, what should I include?

Postby j_dean80 » Monday July 29th, 2024 4:43pm

Can always use the HQ app and play by yourself.
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Re: Binding my own Quest books, what should I include?

Postby Macula » Friday August 2nd, 2024 9:50am

I think that its often forgotten how even in as narrow a specificity of nerdom as heroquest (as a subset of ttrpg/rpg lites, as a subset of roleplay and boardgame crossover, as a subset of gaming, as a subset of...) that the way people can enjoy that fandom is again, very wide. I play a lot of retrogames, i do most of my work on screens, I LOVE the physicallity of painting, crafting, and otherwise physically connecting with objects. The detail level on the new minis was a delightful level of simple and detailed, and had enough 'softness' in the designd that you could pull out different elements between seperate "identical" models. (One of my goblins had a very prominent mould line either side of his nose, and now sports a bandito moustache). so, whilst I wait for Amazon to deliver my spidery box of new minis, I thought I'd turn to the interesting side hobby of book binding. With Dawn O Light taking a new direction, with JOD introducing branching paths, and with AtOH seemingly concluding an age of Heroquest, I bound them together onto a single spine ribbon, created end papers, a mpeather binding with rope supports, and it looked dope. I just thought it would be fun to pull together some new things.I made one turn using some of the kickstarter stuff, and had a go at rewriting WOM to use the existing magic wielders. I took all the vintage quests, and have polished them up, and I have started work on a set of 4 quests myself which I'll release on October 26th (Which is a horrible night for a curse). but i thought this would have been a nice space for people to big up each others content, let a newcomer know what unmissable stuff is out there, and generally, yes, it's community bait, but I personally thought it'd be a fun discussion.
Yes, I want to play the game, I'm getting back out and socialising, but thats a lot harder to do as a grown up, especially one who works from home (It seems that the best places to make friends are in those places you are forced to go to regularly, with a set of people or tasks you dislike immensely)

I know I can play the game via the app, but nothing beats the whole table (Zargon included) leaning in on a crucial dice roll and cheering when you down a big bad with only one bp left.

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