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Dungeons of Peril by Andy Sekela

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Re: Dungeons of Peril by Andy Sekela

Postby Anderas » Monday October 15th, 2018 1:19am

You mean Ron Shirz?

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Re: Dungeons of Peril by Andy Sekela

Postby Scavenger » Friday October 29th, 2021 10:11am

Well I was checking in and I don't see this on the main board yet, unless I missed it so if anyone has contact with the admin it would be great to get this online and give Andy Sekela credit for creating it. I would hate to see this fall away.. It's a good piece to the HeroQuest world.

I hope the new one does just as well as the old Heroquest.
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Re: Dungeons of Peril by Andy Sekela

Postby Kurgan » Friday October 29th, 2021 10:33am

Fan made stuff always interests me... looks like he did all the Legacy of Sorasil heroes just like I did, but he also did some new ones, half inspired by Dragon Strike and some others. I'm curious about his Alchemist character...

Anything closer up I'd love to see. Not sure about selling the stuff on ebay with the Heroquest name. Is Ebay still as strict about selling customs? I know not long ago we had a lot of upset over people selling stuff they grabbed from the inn, printed and then posted there without permission (with only the tiniest of changes, not even worth disguising the fact they were just ripping it off). If this guy doesn't want his stuff used without permission that's a bit iffy. Inspiration is something else though...

Looks pretty extensive! Not sure if I care for the "90's clipart" art style, but he really went nuts in terms of providing all kinds of different creatures and things. He didn't stop at drawing inspiration from Warhammer Fantasy Battle and DragonStrike, lots of stuff in here. He has a few things I already use, great minds and all that. Just skimming through, looks like he put a lot of work into it. Could have just made his own game at a certain point!

He uses tables (like Advanced Hero Quest) which does cut down on the number of cards one would need to print out. I see he even had a scenario for using battles (without needing Battle Masters). That's a lot of paper minis on a board!

I'd love to see his Armory and Hero Boards...

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Re: Dungeons of Peril by Andy Sekela

Postby lestodante » Saturday October 30th, 2021 5:05am

Kurgan wrote:Not sure about selling the stuff on ebay with the Heroquest name. Is Ebay still as strict about selling customs? I know not long ago we had a lot of upset over people selling stuff they grabbed from the inn, printed and then posted there without permission (with only the tiniest of changes, not even worth disguising the fact they were just ripping it off). If this guy doesn't want his stuff used without permission that's a bit iffy. Inspiration is something else though...

There are people still selling them. Same with 3D printed minis (ripped from someone else's job), they are currently sold everywhere as no copyright exists for them, but... well, you can consider this as a printing service (for both cards and minis).

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Re: Dungeons of Peril by Andy Sekela

Postby Kurgan » Saturday October 30th, 2021 1:27pm

Again not to derail the entire thread, as I'm no legal expert, but isn't there an implied copyright upon any published original work? Or does that not apply to a "mod" (derivative work) for a commercial product owned by someone else? I guess if people are already ripping him and others off, making it freely available would undercut that ("printing service" is always iffy, because it's usually a third party doing the actual printing, and then the product is marked up before being sold). As long as the original creator is cool with it of course (assuming they had any legal standing to begin with) I guess I can let it alone. But the whole thing rubs me the wrong way here, regardless.

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Re: Dungeons of Peril by Andy Sekela

Postby Crusader » Monday March 28th, 2022 8:48am

Wow, this takes me back. I too bought this collection from Andy back in the day and still have it up in my loft somewhere.
If memory serves, I'm sure he said he got most of the artwork from the internet at the time. It's basic because it was royalty free clip art. If so then it shouldn't present so much of a problem hosting (at least some of it) at the Inn.

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Re: Dungeons of Peril by Andy Sekela

Postby Scavenger » Tuesday February 27th, 2024 10:22pm

Hey guys I know this has been awhile but I wanted to see if there is a way to preserve this, and maybe get it put on the board.. I would hate to see this vanish. I know I don't have his Permission, but I did try to track him down. It seems like a lot of hard work, and it probably could use some updating, but it had some interesting stuff.
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