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knightkrawler wrote:The Admiral wrote:Henchmen are encountered in quests 1, 3, 5 and 6. The Notes make it clear that in quests 1 and 3 henchmen will join the party, and that in quest 6 they will not. In quest 5 there is no note as to the Scout and Halberdier that are encountered. Can they join the party?
Yes, following the rules of page 12 in the manual.
knightkrawler wrote:Pan wrote:The Admiral wrote:Pan wrote:The Admiral wrote:Doh! Sorry Pan, I must be blind. Perhaps I read it in the Halls of the Blind! I missed the Star Rune as well in the same quest! I am not doing well in spotting things, which is what makes me nervous about pointing something else out in that quest. I was looking through the quests last night in anticipation of starting them today.
In 'The Halls of Evil' the whole narrative is set up to suggest that to obtain the Star Rune and finally defeat Vivigor you must pass through a series of trials i.e the Hall of the Forgotten and The Halls of the Blind, not to mention the Hall of Storms! However, it looks to me that the Heroes can just turn right at door A, kill the Beastman, find the secret door, kill the Shamen and get the Star Rune. Thus missing out on all the really interesting stuff that this quest contains?
The secret door when your turn right to A is not supposed to work this way. This secret door should be found when searching a secret door in room D (where you find the Star Rune), just to avoid to step back to door A through the trials previously done.
I am not 100% sure I have put the secret door icon in the right direction... I thought that the stone tile drawing was where you exit, and the small dots where you enter. Am I wrong ?
I too have always played that a secret door can be found from either side irrespective of which way it opens. It has never occurred to me to question that until now?
If this is the true rule, so I have to mention in the manual a special rule that secret doors can only be used in one specific way.
It's the vanilla rule indeed.
I agree about the manual entry.
"In Mound of the Beastmen, secret doors work differently from what is known from other quests. The positioning of a secret door symbol in the map is crucial because secret doors can only be opened from the room that is adjacent to a secret door, not from the room the symbol is in. Once a secret door has been opened, it can be freely moved through from both sides."
A graphic would also be very helpful here.
Sorry I didn't find that because it was natural thinking for me to use secret doors the original way... Should have seen it during translation.
j_dean80 wrote:Pan wrote:knightkrawler wrote:It's the vanilla rule indeed.
I agree about the manual entry.
"In Mound of the Beastmen, secret doors work differently from what is known from other quests. The positioning of a secret door symbol in the map is crucial because secret doors can only be opened from the room that is adjacent to a secret door, not from the room the symbol is in. Once a secret door has been opened, it can be freely moved through from both sides."
A graphic would also be very helpful here.
Sorry I didn't find that because it was natural thinking for me to use secret doors the original way... Should have seen it during translation.
Thanks, I should add this in the manual. I have also thought about a graphic representation of that :
An arrow indicates the only way the secret door could be used.
If there is no restrictions (both sides could be used), the icon indicates a double arrow, or maybe no arrow at all (normal icon like the vanilla rule).
I would use the double arrow when it works either way. If some have an arrow and one does not...people may get confused.
Pan wrote:The Admiral wrote:1) Heroes roll defence dice equal to their Mind Points when defending against the Chain Lightning Spell, and the Halls of the Forgotten's Ghosts. Is it to be inferred that any undefended hits cause the loss of Mind Points, or do they still lose Body Points?
2) In the Hall of Storms, when a Hero is hit by the lightning (Black Shield Rolled), what happen if there is a Hero directly behind you?
a) You stay in place.
b) You move back and occupy the same space as the Hero (as you would down a pit trap).
c) You move back and knock the Hero back one as well.
1) You lose body points.
2) The correct answer is B !
Pan wrote:The Admiral wrote:I finally got round to finishing this quest. The Halls are very interesting and were a real delay to my Heroes, which is bad for them as I use Evil Wizard Cards, and the longer they take the more EW cards are drawn. In terms of BP's it wasn't a huge drain. It seemed I triggered a ghost every turn, but with the four Heroes having MP's of 7/4/4/3, it only resulted in a couple of lost BP's. The three henchmen that were picked up previously (2 Scouts and a Crossbowman) had little to no chance of getting through this quest alive. With only 2BP/MP's they all died. At least I will get a couple more in the next quest. The Halls of the Blind will be alot more interesting when I play this with my brother. They lost a little bit of the atmosphere playing solo.
Vivigor is very powerful, but he has no bodyguard, although I spawned an Elite Skeleton to help him, and Chaos Energy gave him a BP back during the battle. He got to play his Summon 2 Chaos Hounds, Chain Lightning and Shield of Thorns (it inficted 1BP) before he succumbed. My Wizard hit him with a Ball of Flame, which wasn't defended with the 2d6. Should I have allowed him an extra 2d6 for the Shield of Thorns?
I am glad you liked this quest. I had a lot of fun making it, and I tried to create some original room to surprise the players. Well... It is not designed for US rules, so special monsters could seem a little bit weaker than intended. I think you have to adjust their BP to make them be a challenge. I am not a pro player of US rules, so, sadly, I cannot help you.
knightkrawler wrote:Pan wrote:knightkrawler wrote:Pan wrote:herman_the_german wrote:Also, since the designer is participating in the discussion, might I ask for an 'official' American stat version of the monsters?
The Beast Lord has 3 BP, and all others have 1 BP, which is fine for the Euro, but maybe not so much for the American version.
I can make that. I have to find first a US card template (I will surely find one here somewhere). But I have never played to the US version of the game, so I am not very comfortable with the multiple body point. If someone could help me on that. As an equivalence, the beastman is supposed to be as strong as a fimir. The chaoshound = a skeleton. The shaman = something between chaos warrior and fimir. Beastlord = gargoyle or better.
I would just change the Body points to accomodate for North American rules.
Beastman 2BP, Beastlord 3BP (or 4; Gargoyle has 3), Chaoshound 1BP (or 2; Skeleton has 1), Shaman 5BP (like all 4 Wizards of Morcar)
Thanks for the references. The shaman will be overpowered than intended with 5BP (I speak for generics shamans, not Vivigor). His spells are supposed to balance his physical weakness, so 2 BP seems legit. He is not supposed to be stronger than a Beastlord.
So :
Beastman : 2 BP
Beastlord : 4 BP
Chaoshound : 1 BP
Shaman : 2 BP
Does that sound good to you ?
To me it does, yeah.
Pan wrote:Daedalus wrote:Pan wrote:The adventure continues…
The Mound of the Beastmen is a new non-official quest pack for the famous boardgame Heroquest, extending the epic adventure of the Champions of the Empire....
When should your Quest Pack be played? (I imagine after the original 14 Quests.)
No, you can play my questpack with brand new heroes. You don't need to have ever complete one single quest before you can start my pack. The questpack is designed for heroes who start "nude" in the first quest, as they lost all of their equippement in the embush.
The Admiral wrote:Daedalus wrote:The Admiral wrote:Daedalus wrote:Pan wrote:...Are there other rules that I have to change to make the US version working ?
I'd say you're in the clear. Searching takes a bit longer (no problem), but traps such as a Chaos Hound trap aren't automatically removed when discovered. That's okay, because the North American rules don't lay a tile when a pit trap is discovered. Instead, Zargon indicates the square and the Heroes must remember the location. Should a Hero forget and blunder into a trap, TOO BAD! Bottom line--it's not your problem.
I think they are according to how I read it. They are not really traps in a heroquest sense as they are intended for non intelligent beasts. If a Hero finds one by searing around it is easily 'disarmed' by just jabbing it with a sword. There is no intricate removal of a triggering mechanism. And once it is sprung it is just a harmless hunk of metal lying on the ground.
Yes, you read correctly. What I meant was in response to the trap syncing up with the NA rules for traps--something Pan asked about in general. As he wrote them, they work like EU spear traps. I was unsuccessfully trying to indicate a Chaos Hound trap must be disarmed from atop its square with an action, per the NA rules for any trap. The attempt could still automatically succeed, per Pan's intent, as long as the action was taken to disarm it by jabbing with a sword. Of course, Pan's trap can stand as is in an NA game as a special non-disarm exception, as well
Ah yes I see what you mean.
Pan wrote:The Admiral wrote:Pan wrote:Daedalus wrote:By the way, can a tomb trap be disarmed (perhaps sealed)?
Yes, but not with the usual way. You can "disarm" it by rolling both shield with a combat dice.
in my opinion I see these as hazards. They are not traditional traps that have been set, but just dormant undead that noisy Heroes could awaken. So there is no mechanism to disarm in order to render them inert, and any fiddling with the tomb is just going to risk waking its evil inhabitant
You have very well resumed my use of " " for "disarm"
Pan wrote:Daedalus wrote:Also, I noticed that Quest 2 calls for 8 Coffin Tiles (tombs), but the tile download sheet only contains 4. That means a relatively expensive second printing of a color page will be needed. With some rearranging, it should be possible to fit the other 4 Coffin Tiles on pages 1 and 3. Of course, most will already have spare Coffin Tiles from RotWL.
Yes, I should have put more of that in the print sheet. But as you said, you can find some tombs in the Witch lord expansion. I have no doubt most of the people here get it .
Pan wrote:The Admiral wrote:Looking at this thread as I am hoping to resume my solo play of this tomorrow. And on the subject of traps, what happens when a Hero fails to disarm a Rune Trap? It seems a bit odd that they then get a 1 in 3 chance of disarming it again.
Personally, I would either have the Trap as not capable of being discovered e.g.Wandering Monster Trap, It is magic after all, or, if the trap disarming attempt fails, them 1-3 = blowback and 4-6 = explosion.
That actually raises a couple of questions on Rune traps:
1) I presume the Hero is blown back in the direction from which he entered the trap space?
2) Is the 2 square distance counted diagonally or as you would move i.e. in the picture in my previous post would the Beastman nearest to the bookcase be caught in the blast?
1) Yes, absolutly
2) Yes, diagonals are counted.
Just to be clear on this trap :
- it works like a pit trap : it is not visible unless it is discovered. When it is discovered or when a player trigger it, you can put the rune trap tile on the board.
- it can not be disarmed the normal way
- the only way to disarm it is to roll a 3 or 4 with a die
- when triggered, you have to roll a die and refer to the manual to see the effect on you.
Daedalus wrote:I have some feedback and questions about your Quests:
Quest 2: Does the evil Wisp, which can't be attacked and lacks a figure, prevent searches as a monster? (I guess yes.)
E) The Compendium states: "This door is obviously bolted and will not budge...." while Note E states: "...the door remains closed and no interaction through the door is possible..." However, spell casting Heroes often save Genie and Pass Through Rock spells for emergencies. It seems either spell, which are meant to work around impassable doors, could thwart this barrier and gain the Heroes access, even before the sentry is dispatched. I'd say more is needed, such as: "Any spell or artifact used to gain access to the room fails due to the magics within."
Quest 3: Published expansions include useful, in-game information about room tiles in the pertaining Quest Notes. As you've done a lot to emulate their formatting, I'd say the location with the Runic Room Tile could use is own note rather than needing a check of the introductory pages. It is possible to carve out enough page space with some reduction of text (let me know if you want my suggestions), but this is primarily my advice/opinion for any future Quest Packs.
E) While this entry works fine in conjunction with the Compendium, it fails to mention Vivigor's escape. If only the Quests are played (without the Compendium) the shaman is simply killed. The Parchment Text of the following Quest, "The vile Vivigor has managed to escape!..." would then match poorly. A fix could be to add to this note: "When defeated, he escapes by a hidden exit and can't be followed." This wouldn't help with making space for a Runic Room note, unfortunately. This is again guidance for future Quest Packs.
Quest 4: E) This note should mention the first Hero to search for treasure finds the Black Stone on Vivigor's body. Without the Compendium, there is no other way to make this crucial objective known.
Quest 5: As with Quest 3, I feel the Notes would benefit from entries for the Pit and Runic Rooms. You'd probably need 5 lines or more to pull it off. To do it, I'd number the doors and locks 1-3 and combine notes B-D as one entry. Entry F could also be shortened.
H) I'd change "Any Hero..." > The first Hero... because "Any" could be understood as more than one.
Quest 6: A) Without the Compendium, either the Parchment Text or this entry needs to explain how Sir Vardion takes possession of the Black Stone.
G) Sir Vardion is encountered both here and in room A, but with different stats. The Compendium makes it clear he is separated and then corrupted, but some kind of explanation is needed here if only the Quests are played. (Notes D and E could be combined to make the space.)
A lot of the comments are only relevant if the Compendium isn't used, but who would want to do that? Those story interludes make your Quests more immersive, unique, and in interesting. Rather than adding in all of the fixes, I'd say it would probably be best to make the Compendium necessary for play simpler to leave things as they are. Excellent work!
The Admiral wrote:Pan
I'm not sure if this has already been pointed out, but there is a problem with the Compendium notes for Quest 5. On the quest map I note the following:
1) Bubble 3 should be in the room to the left, with bubble 2.
2) Bubble 4 should be in room C (where bubble 3 currently is).
3) Bubble 5 should be in room D (where bubble 4 currently is).
On the Compendium notes I note the following:
1) The final paragraph of the 1st page needs a bubble 4.
2) The paragraph on the 2nd page should be bubble 5, not 4.
The Admiral wrote:I found Garghol the Bloody an odd situation. He attacks whether you buy something or not. Obviously he expects to survive and slay all the Heroes (the deluded fool!) and he could therefore take all their money anyway. All he is doing is allowing them to get more powerful before he fights them. I think if the Heroes buy something off him he should take his money and go. If not he fights them to get all their money?
The Admiral wrote:knightkrawler wrote:The Admiral wrote:I'm on the final quest and my luck in the previous pit room has run out. The is the first to jump and has fallen in. After he is attacked by the Beastman is his turn ended or may he now perform an attack?
"...a Beastman immediately appears and attacks" tells me your turn is over.
Common sense dictates that another figure's action can't be in between your turn unless otherwise stated,
which the Pit Room entry doesn't.
I can't remember if I deliberately left out "Your turn ends immediately" because of this.
I think I did as it seemed unnecessary, specifically because of the Beastman's "immediately".
You could also treat "Pit" as a keyword (like Slev and myself do systematically) where the "falling into" part
is described for the original pit trap and can be applied here.
The Pit Room entry is supposed to hearken back to the pit trap description.
I ask because it has similarities to a pit trap, which would end your turn, and a Wandering Monster trap, which wouldn't.
I played it the first time that it ended the player's turn. This didn't matter because the Dwarf went first and the Elf and Princess were able to successfully jump over and kill it. This time the Elf has fallen in and only the Princess is left to go, so there is a good possibility that the Beastman will get to make a 2nd attack without reply. For my own preservation it got me wondering if the Elf is allowed to get an attack in?
Daedalus wrote:The Admiral wrote:Daedalus wrote:LordPon wrote:The Bonemangler card only mentions that it is +1 orange dice in attack, but it's unclear what the base attack that it's adding onto is supposed to be. If I wield the Bonemangler and I attack with it, what do I roll? How would that translate to the US version?
Same question for Ashgor's Valor, which only reads that it's +1 dice in defence.
I'd assume that was added onto the basic combat dice of each Hero found on the EU character cards: Wizard 1AD, Elf and Dwarf 2 AD, Barbarian 3AD.
AD=attack dice/combat dice to attack
I played with NA rules. I treated the Bonemangler as a Battleaxe i.e. 4 dice + bonus. I considered Ashgors valour to be the same as chainmail, with the BP bonus.
I'd say an NA Bonemangler is a battle axe that gives you the attack strength of 3 white and 1 orange combat dice. And the insta-kill with 4.skulls. Like The Admiral, I'd also treat Ashgor's Valor as chain mail with a +1 BP bonus.
HispaZargon wrote:Nlinindoll wrote:That’s one of the three variations of orange dice I found but not the one Pan had in mind when creating this quest book. I PM’d him and he confirmed this is the correct orange dice for Mound of the Beastmen:
- one face with skull x1
- two faces with double skulls
- one face with black shield
- one face with double black shields
- one face with double white shields
Yes, Nlinindoll is right.
That was the special orange dice faces distribution before May/2016, the original ones considered by Pan when he designed the questpack.
Pan wrote:herman_the_german wrote:herman_the_german wrote:Additionally when I translated into English (for my stat cards) I translated the title as "Barrow of the Beastmen." Maybe I shoulda waited.
Yeah we had this discussion with Knightkrawler. I decided to keep Mound for several reasons. But well, both works pretty well.
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